‹ Prequel: Lady Luck


Destiny's World

Destiny’s world. It was so different to Ty’s. It looked beautiful yet sinister at the same time. The first thing that Ty noticed was that the air was dead; there was no welcoming waft of cool wind. Yet Ty could still breathe. The second thing he noticed was the sky. The top of the sky was black, no stars got through that darkness – it was true nothing; made up of heavy matter that would suck you in and never let go. It was impossible to see where it ended – if it ever did, perhaps it just carried on for infinity. There were 2 moons, one was full; the other appeared to show the same stage as the moon back where Ty had last seen it. The full moon had a blood red ring around it, that merged into the lower part of the sky. The middle of the sky was two tones of blue, as it started near black and turned brighter and then more purply before becoming the red of the bottom of the sky.

“notice the two moons?” asked Lady Luck

“yes. One if full, it wont affect me will it?”

“no” she replied calmly, “that moon is always full. It is the second one you should worry about. It is the same as our moon, but time here moves differently; after all, Destiny created time. When that gets full your time has ran out, so we must hurry. Hopefully with luck on your side you will make it, but the chance of not making it is also even.”

A jet of gold sparkles made Ty look up above to his left. There, flying towards the full moon was a mystical dragon. The dragon was red with silvery black tips on its wings; it snorted another shot of gold dust which drifted away in the invisible breeze towards a castle on the middle of a lake. Yes, on. The castle had three large towers, and numerous smaller ones. It was pure white, yet appeared pink because of the light cast from the moon and sky. The lake that it sat upon was a clear turquoise, with silver mist drifting up around the edges of the castle.

The vegetation in the world was limited mainly to closely cropped grass. Ty looked around for the grass cutter and saw two of them.

“what are they?” he asked Lady Luck

“they are called the Lirells. They are Destiny’s most prised creation and you must never harm one”

The Lirells were a velvety black colour with a silvery pink glow to them. They resembled horses. Except that they had wings, with a span of three times their body length; they also had fine twisted horns that were deadlier than they looked. The tips of the long horns was extremely sharp, and strands of poison from the dragon dust was weaved amongst the twists in the horn, just waiting to be injected into an attacker. The Lirells were Destiny’s guards and protectors of his universe; but they were loyal and if a service was done to them, they would repay that person kindly.

Ty new he must store that information forever. He might just need it