‹ Prequel: Lady Luck


The Lirell

“How are we going to get to Destiny’s castle? It’s in the middle of the lake.” Ty asked Isobel, hoping she would have a simple answer. She had after all been here before. Her answer was not simple.

“We shall have to get a lift off the Lirells; but we can not simply ask. We must do a task first and then they offer their service.”

They moved cautiously across the grass towards the Lirells. Neither Ty nor Isobel looked at the beautiful creatures. Their plan was to wait for the Lirells to acknowledge them first; it would be considered obnoxious if they themselves spoke first.

Ty and Isobel settled themselves on the grass and sat gazing at Destiny’s palace on the lake.

“It’s the second most beautiful thing I have ever set eyes on,” remarked Ty.

“Really? And what is the first may I ask,” Lady Luck said coyly. Ty turned to look at Isobel, and in his most sincere voice he replied,


At that moment a soft footfall made them look up. Towering above them were two Lirells; one, Ty noticed, was slightly injured. He wondered who would make the mistake of harming one of Destiny’s prize creations.

The uninjured Lirell gave a graceful bow whilst the other nodded its head. Isobel stood up, dragging Ty with her. She gave the Lirells a polite curtsey and motioned to Ty for him to bow.

“We have noticed you looking at Destiny’s palace,” the first Lirell said. His voice chimed like a ringing bell.

“It is our guess that you wish to go there, but have no way,” the second Lirell said, his voice was strained as if the pain of his injury was almost too much to bear. Isobel and Ty nodded, still to much in awe of the size to answer out loud.

“We have conferred with our pack, and we shall give you a lift in exchange for your service.” Once again, they both just nodded.

“As you may have noticed my companion is injured. He is not the first of our pack to be attacked, but he is the first to live. It is our belief that the beast attacking is a werewolf, and you two have a similar scent. As my friend is the first to survive this attack, we are unsure if he will change.

If you are willing in exchange for passage to Destiny, we would like for you to track down this attacker and prevent it from harming us again. If this means for you to kill it then so be it. We would also like for you to find a cure for my friend. What is your answer?”

Lord Chance found his voice,

“We would be glad to offer you our service, but where do we find the sort of cure your friend needs?”

“The mermaids in the lake should know. We would ask them ourselves but they refuse to talk to us out of jealousy. They will however talk to you, though it may be wise to not tell them it is for us unless they ask.” The Lirrel spoke quickly, glancing anxiously at his injured friend who was now lying down, the pain too great whilst standing.

“We will hurry, for our time is just as short as yours,” promised Lady Luck. Once again they bowed to each other and then left, leaving Isobel and Ty to work out what to do next.