‹ Prequel: Lady Luck



“How are we to contact the mermaids?” Ty asked Isobel whilst standing at the waters edge.

“I think I know what to do; if old legends are correct.” She knelt down and placed her head in the water. The crystal clear water broke into ripples as she spoke the word ‘mermaid’ three times.

A minute later, three blue tails were seen breaking the water and then heads quickly followed. Ty and Isobel were stunned when they saw the mermaids, for neither had actually seen one but just heard rumours of what they looked like. The mermaids looked nothing like the tales. Instead of a fishy tail and a human torso, their whole bodies were covered in blue scales, and no arms were present, they actually had fins – like a fish. The only human part to them was their heads; but even they did not fully resemble a human. They had no noses, as their gills were on their necks. Their mouths’ had rows of razor sharp teeth and they had green seaweed like hair. Their eyes were big and deep and the same colour as their scaly skin.

Careful to keep their gills underwater, the three mermaids turned their attention full on Ty and Isobel.

“What do you want?” asked one of the mermaids in a snappy voice.

“We would like a cure for werewolf bite,” replied Isobel calmly.

“Why? What is the point, you are both already under the influence of werewolf, we smell you from here. A cure for a bite is no use to you. Go bother Destiny instead.”

Ty was shocked; these mermaids were the most unhelpful, angry creatures he had met in a long time. Isobel sighed and looked at Ty; they had no choice but to tell the mermaids the truth.

“The cure is not for us as you probably already know. I am sure you also know that the cure is for the Lirell. A werewolf has been attacking them, and one that has survived is badly wounded. Will you give us the cure?”

“Why should we help you help the Lirell? We rejoice at their failure for they look no better than us, yet are Destiny’s favourite.”

“For the redemption of your souls,” suggested Isobel, this was greeted by peals of laughter from the mermaids.

“Redemption. Souls. You think we care about that? Have you not got something more worthy?”

“We could give you Luck and Chance,” said Ty.

“The male has a voice,” one mermaid mocked, “Luck and Chance, we do not gamble, we do not want those.”

“Not even a rope?” asked Isobel, “A rope that I wept on whilst praying for a chance to escape. That rope is drenched in Chance.”

“And a set of dice,” Ty added, “Ivory dice that I clung to and bled on whilst praying for luck. The dice are swamped in Luck. Even if you do not wish for Luck or Chance, they would be worth a lot if you sold them.”

The mermaids looked intrigued. After conferring for a moment they turned back to Ty and Isobel.

“Give us one gift now and we shall go get what you seek and then you can give us the other gift when we return.”

This plan sounded good so the mermaids received the rope from Isobel and disappeared into the depths of the lake.

After a long wait for Ty and Isobel the mermaids returned with a package wrapped in seaweed.

“Do not open it,” they warned Ty and Isobel, “The Lirell know what it is, and know what to do with it. Now for our other gift please.” Ty handed over his dice and received the remedy for the Lirell.

By the time this exchange had taken place, there was only one moon left in the sky. That meant that the second moon, the Earth moon, would be a new moon. Once it reached full, Ty and Isobel would remain as they were, forever.

Time was running out.
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I was on a roll there....but now I have to go so it may be a while before the next part. But I know what's hapening so it should be up here quicker.