‹ Prequel: Lady Luck


A moonlit fight

The Lirell landed at the edge of some trees near the foot of the mountain.

“We shall wait in these trees for you, and then take you straight to Destiny.”

Ty and Isobel thanked the Lirell and headed off towards the mountain; with Isobel in her wolf form so that she could sniff out the werewolf. Pretty soon they arrived at the mouth of a cave where mist oozed out of the entrance.

“It’s an illusion,” Isobel told Ty, sensing his bewilderment, “Just ignore it and always walk straight ahead.”

They followed the path through the cave, always keeping to the left whenever it forked off so they wouldn’t get lost. Eventually they entered a large cavern filled with silver light. The light came from the moon which shone down through a round hole in the ceiling of the cave. Lying under the most powerful area of moonlight was a large werewolf.

The werewolf look peaceful enough while it lay still; pretending to sleep. But Ty and Isobel were not fooled; they could see a tiny slit in the creatures’ eyes as it gazed at them.

Using their special soulmate thought connection Ty and Isobel discussed a plan of action.

[The moon is the werewolf’s source of power] Isobel said, [If I try and lure him away then you can stand under the moon shaft. I know it is not the earth moon, but just feel the calling of the moon and you shall change].

Ty agreed with the plan without much joy, he didn’t like the sound of Isobel trying to lure the large werewolf away. He reminded himself that if anyone could do it, she could. She was after all Lady Luck.

Isobel howled softly at the werewolf; pretending that she thought he was asleep.

“Yes she-wolf” the beast snarled, “Have you come to mate with me?”

“Perhaps” Isobel almost purred in a flirtatious way, “I have brought you a present. He is a human.”

“He shall be killed for I do not want another male werewolf in my territory! A good meal he will make too!” the werewolf said whilst slowly getting to his feet.

Ty tensed himself ready to run to the moon shaft once the wolf left it. But the werewolf did not want to leave it just yet.

“Bring the vermin over here,” he demanded to Isobel.

“Come fetch him yourself, or I may have to bite him and let you battle between yourselves for me” she replied angrily.

The werewolf snarled and pounced on the spot where Ty was standing.

But Ty was ready; the power of the moon was already drawing him as he moved with excessive speed to the moon shaft. The werewolf spun around angrily and made to attack again, but stopped at the sight of Ty. Ty stood bathed in silver light with his back arched. His body shape was changing quickly and the course hair grew thick and fast. The transformation did not take as long, or be as agonising as with the earth moon. Ty suspected it was because this dimension was where werewolves, and every other creature, were created.

The werewolf turned on Isobel with a livid face.

“YOU LIED!” he snarled, specks of spit flying everywhere.

He tried to attack her, but Isobel moved like wind; unable to be caught but striking fierce blows at the werewolves face and back. Then Ty joined in, showing no mercy to the beast that had been going to eat him. The magical moon had given Ty more strength than ever before and soon Isobel left the fight all to him. The evil werewolf stood no chance and didn’t even get to leave a scratch on Ty. With one final swipe at the werewolf’s chest, Ty ripped out the heart. He held it in front of the beast and they both watched as it beat its final beat. Then the werewolf was dead; all traces of werewolf vanished. Instead, there was a man lying shrivelled up and naked, his long dark hair streaked with grey.

Isobel and Ty returned to human and Isobel cut off the man’s head.

“To make sure he can never return,” she explained to a puzzled Ty.

They left the cave quickly, the journey not seeming nearly as long or as menacing as their entry; the fog around the mouth had vanished too. They headed off down to where they could see the Lirell waiting for them.
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Sorry for the wait...shouldn't be too long for the next chapter *fingers crossed*