Status: I will try and update as soon as I can, sorry if I don't post right away!!! Stay strong fans.

My Obsession

A New Home

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*CHAPTER ONE~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Kiro's P.O.V(Kiro is a BOY by the way, just thought I'd throw that in there for you, he is also bisexual. )

Today was the day I started a new school, oh joy!!! Our things have been un-packed and put away by the movers yesterday. All I have to do is paint and organize my things. I already did my hair and make up( A/N look at episode #02- The Scene) now all I have to do is pick out an outfit then I'm ready to go!

After 15 minutes I desided to wear a white tee-shirt with a black vest; my hand cuff neclace(the small black ones); red skinny jeans; my playing card belt with some other small belts; and black boots(A/N look at episode #2- The Scene). I grabed my black and white checkered backpack off the floor and grabed my car keys; my Iphone; my walet; and my Ipod. I ran quickly down the stairs and out the door. I didn't say goodbye to my parents because they were already at work. I un-locked my car door and put the keys into to start the car. I looked at my phone to see what time it was, 8:41 AM. Good I still have enough time to stop by Starbucks and get a coffee. I love coffee, I guess I'm addicted to it. I turned on the raido to some random station and Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" came on. I started to sing along as I pulled away from my new house. "Can't read my! Can't read my! No he can't read my poker face! Shes gonna love no body!" I stopped singing when I got to the coffee shop and turned the radio down. "Hallo sir, what can I get you?" asked a perky bleach blonde girl. "Um can I have just a tall coffee with french vanilla creamer, please?" I said politely. "Yes, coming right up!!!" She smiled. Within five minutes she came back and handed me my coffe. "That'll be $3.50." She sang. I gave her the money and said thank-you. I sipped my coffee slowly savering the sweet addicting taste while I drove. The next song that came on was t.A.T.u- "220" I lightly hummed the lyrics to the song as I drove to school. When I got there, I saw a load of people standing arround there cars and friends. I woundered if I would make any new friends here. Romeo, my best friend since we were in our diaper days. He, sadly, lives in Hamburg still. I wish we didn't have to move away from him. When I found a parking spot, I parked my car and grabed my backpack, coffe, and keys, and got out. Next to me was a group of guys, one had black straitened hair with blonde streaks, he was tall and very very pretty; next a boy who sort of looked like the first one but with different hair and style of clothing; a pale, tall, and skinny guy with strait long black hair; a mediem boy with dirty blonde cropped hair; then a guys with long strait brown hair; next to him was a emo/gothic/punk looking guy with black with red streaks in his hair, it looked good on him; next to him was a bleach blonde boy whom had a sweet and caring look. Lastly was a boy with muliti colored hair, much like mine, black and the bottom and blonde on top, he had a peircing in his lip, which looded really sexy. They were all very beautiful. Then as if notising me staring the cute boy with black and blonde streaked hair came over to me. "Hallo, my name is Bill Kaulitz. So you're the FAMOUS new kid? Carsten Kiro Schaefer, right?" he said sweetly. "Nice to meet you Bill, and you can just call me Kiro." I smiled lightly. "Well, Kiro, how would you like to meet some friends of mine? Oh, and I can't promise you that we won't bite." He smirked at the last part. I giggled like a a small girl when her crush just looked at her. "Sure." I said with a sweet smile. Bill grabed my arm pulled me over to his group. They all looked at me funny, like I was intruding their group. "Guys this is Kiro, be nice to him. Okay? He's one of us now." Bill smiled widely, he had a cute smile. "Shouldn't we take a vote Bill? We never let anyone into our group, especially without a vote." Said the boy whom sceemed to look a lot like Bill except he wore baggy clothes, no make-up, and he had blonde dreds. I didn't think he liked me... "Well Tommy, I want him in our group, and I'm the leader so what I say go's. Do I make my self clear?" Bill glared at them, escecially the boy named Tom. There was a bunch of "Yea"'s and "Whatever"s. "Well why don't you introduce you're self to the group Kiro, tell us a bit about yourself, and don't worry nothing you say will ever leave this group." Bill's arm snaked arroung my shoulders. I blushed. "Um well, my name is Kiro, as you all probally know by now. Um I just moved from Hamburg. Yea..." I really didn't like speaking in front of crouds.
"Oh come on!!! I know theres more! What's your musik taste? Favorite colors? Favorite type of movies? Favorite movie? Your likes, dislikes? Whats your family like? How old are you? Favorite band? Favorite tv show? Ex. I KNOW you can do better than that. " Bill pressed. "UM, okay." I laughed. And he just stared at me "Well?" Bill raised his eyebrow which had a small pircing on it. "My favorite colors are black, white, and bright blue. Favorie movie type is horror. My favorie bands are t.A.T.u, An Caf'e, Lady Gaga, Raminstien, and X Japan. My favorite movie is Tim Burtain's Alice In Wonderland. Um I love Japan, um Manga/Anime, I play the Bass, um I like to go shoping. I'm addicted to coffe and bubblegum. Um and I live with my dad and step mother, and my older brother. And I am bisexual." I blushed when I saw everyone looking at me. "Well, Kiro I can promise that we'll get along just finee, I'm Strify by the way." He empisized fine and his name. "Well I might as well say the rest of the guys and whom they belong to." Bill sighed. He pointed to Tom, "That is my twin brother, Tom, don't mind him ever since Andreas broke up with him he's been in a pissy mood," Then he pointed to the vampire looking one, "Luminor- just call him Lumi, he's with Jestam whom is out sick today, Gustav- He is Georg's, which is standing right beside him," It was the boy with long brown hair, " Yu, which is spelt Y-U, he is suppositly strait but I could eaisily change that if I wanted to, "He laughed," Shin" the blonde sweet looking guy, "he belongs to Lumi, and don't be fooled by his sweet looking act, he's evil." Bill stated. I looked for a sign that he was joking but none came. "Oh Billa, I'm not that mean." Shin giggled. "Whatever. Last but not least- Strify, be careful of him he'll try to steal you away from me." Bill growled towards Strify who just stood there smirking. "!Ringggg! " The schol bell rang. Time for 1st period. "Kiro, may I see your scudual?" Bill asked sweetly. I handed the foled up piece of paper to him. "Looks like we share all of our classes together!!! " Bill jumped up and down exsitedly. I smiled, the rest of this year would be great, I smiled. "Really? Thats amazing!" I giggled.

!Beeep! The school bell rang, and the whole day pretty much went the same. Teachers would call me up, mame me tell the class a little bit about myself. And Bill was in five of my classes, and Strify was in ALL of them. Most of the people at school steered clear of us, I guess this certain group is the shit?
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Hope y'all liked it!!!