Status: On It's Way To Victory! XD LOL

In Your Arms

Chapter 1

I enjoyed the feeling of the winter breeze on my bare arms. The black, strapless prom dress flowed gently around my feet and legs. My body gave a shake before letting my teeth chatter. Grimacing, I headed back into the house of my current boyfriend. I walked in and was suddenly met with arms wrapping around me. “What the heck were you doing outside??” Ah, “mama Anderson” or otherwise known as my boyfriend’s mother.

“Hey ma! What’s cracka’ lackin’?” I tried to give a laugh but the glare she was shooting my way silenced me.

“Don’t even try to brush it off, Jacqueline. It is below freezing and you are outside in the cold with your prom dress on. What is wrong with you??”

“Just trying to relish the winter heat.” I replied sarcastically.

She gave a snort but laughed afterwards. I watched as Mama Anderson walked towards the kitchen. “Oh yeah! I made chocolate chip cookies with my secret recipe.”

My eyes widened to the size of saucers. With my mouth watering, I bolted into the kitchen to see fresh homemade secret chocolate chip cookies. I grabbed two and shoved them in my mouth. Hah, go ahead and call me a pig but these stinkin’ cookies are to die for.

I heard footsteps behind me but soon felt strong arms wind their way around my slim waist. I slightly cocked my head towards my right and saw Shawn pouting. I opened my mouth to speak but Shawn cut me off. “You eated my cookie.” He said like a young child.

I swallowed most of my mouthful before chewing up the rest and swallowing that. Finally I was able to reply. “It was my cookie so meh!” Laughter danced in our eyes before he lowered his lips to mine.

It was passionate but quick. “Why are your arms so cold?” He inquired with a raised brow.

“I love winter too much.” I simply answered.

“Pfft! Too much is an understatement!” Mama Anderson laughed.

I smiled before looking back into Shawn’s green eyes. “Ready to go to Prom?”

“Only if you are.” He whispered before brushing his lips to mine.

“Mmm…You smell like peppermint candy and Old Spice.” One of my many favorite smells.

“Picture Time!” Mama Anderson interrupted our little moment. “Stay still! It’s one of the many perfect poses you two do! Now look at me.”

Shawn and I turned to look towards her with smiles on our lips. Flash We posed again. Flash I gave a little yelp when Shawn picked me up bridal style. Flash Kiss on his cheek. Flash

I was set down gently. Expecting that we were down with the pictures, I started walking away. Shawn grabbed my arm and twirled me around. Our lips met with a shock before I melted into his strong arms. I started to pull away after a moment but he held me in place. “Shawn.” I muttered against his lips, “We’re gunna be late.”

Shawn’s lips pressed hard against mine and all the air started to whoosh out of my lungs as his arms squeezed me. Panic fluttered in my heart as everything started to heat up around me. A menacing laugh erupted behind my suffocating body.

My lungs burned for the need of oxygen.

My eyes snapped open. I was breathing heavily and allowing the hot tears slid down my cheeks for the first time in two weeks. My phone went off again with a baby laughing as the message tone. Oh how my nightmares twisted the stupidest things to scare the shit out of me. I shook my head and grabbed my sidekick.

Where are you?! It’s 10 AM!! ~~~Candy!

I tried to attempt a laugh at my younger sisters message but it just wouldn’t come.

I slept in. . . Sorry I typed the quick reply before slipping out of my bed.

I flicked the lights on in my dark apartment room. It was a mess but I ignored it and made my way to the window overlooking Lake Superior.

To many memories swirled around in my head, giving me a temporary headache. The tears still flowed strongly down my pale cheeks but I paid no heed to them. They were inevitable as I made my way to the shower.

When the water was finally hot enough, I stepped in to allow the clean water to mingle with my bitter and sorrowful tears.


I finally reached the studio that my sister, Candy, owned. She, being the professional photographer, wanted me to pose for a local magazine. When she asked me a couple of days earlier, I just said no every time until I couldn’t handle her repetitive calling.

I walked through the double doors to the large room. Candy met me with a big hug that would have strangled any human being. Luckily for me, she let go when I couldn’t breathe for 4 seconds.

“I have missed you so much!” She squealed.

“Yeah!” I plastered a smile on my face but I still didn’t sound as excited as her.

Her excitement died away to concern.

“I dreamt of him again…”

Her hug was softer and the only thing that kept the tears from coming back. I embraced her tighter and just inhaled her homey rose scent.

Her hand lightly rubbed my back. “It’s okay…He’s in a better place, hun.” she whispered.

I nodded against her shoulder. “Let’s get this party started.” I sighed with a slight smile on my lips.

“That’s better!”

I made my way easily over to the white cloth. Just as I was about to sit down, Candy grabbed my arm. I looked at her quizzically but she pointed towards the dressing room. I grimaced but made my way steadily to the room. The faster I start this, the faster it’ll be over.

The outfit in the room was simple attire consisting of bell-bottom jeans and a fox racing shirt.

My grimace instantly turned into a smile. Candy sure did know what I liked. I changed quickly and walked over to the white cloth back round again.

Candy already had her $500 Cannon camera in her hand, “Stick both hands in your back pockets and cock your hip slightly to the side. Perfect! Now show me them pearly whites with your stunning blue eyes!”

I smiled a toothy smile. Right when I did it, Candy started right up with the pictures.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me if i have any grammical errors and what you think about the first chapter!! Thank you for reading adn i hope you liked it! XD

Comments are loved!!

</3 Tears Of Sorrow