Caught in a Bad Romance


“Lena don’t be a dick.” Luka told me on the phone one night.
He was calling to ask me if it was true or not that I would be going to California instead of Croatia for Christmas.

“That totally makes me want to go even more.” I told him sarcastically.

“You should be with your family.”

“I should be making money.”

“Lena if you need some help you know I’m always here.”

“You can’t keep baling my ass out of trouble, besides I will see you for Easter. Warm weather is much more appeasing to me.”

“Fine I won’t argue with you, there’s no winning that. Did you get my package yet?”

“Yes, I like the new jerseys more I must admit.” I told him, knowing he was referring to the new Spurs jersey he sent me of his. “And I’m glad you finally are sending me the women’s cut.”

“Niko’s idea.”

“A Kranjcar one would have been nice, now everyone’s going to know my last name!”

“Oh heavens no.” He told me sarcastically. “Can you call me when you land please?”

“You know it.”

“Have a safe flight, Lena.”

“Hope so, night Luka love ya.” I said hanging up the phone.

“You always sound angrier when you speak in Croatian, I hope you don’t do it in public.”
Andrea told me as I walked out of my room a few minutes later dragging my suitcase to the door.


“People probably think you’re a total hard ass.”

“You’re going to miss me aren’t you?” I asked her.

“You have no fucking idea.” She huffed, as I jumped on her lap.

“Aww you like me! You really like me!” I exclaimed giving her a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

“You’re pushing it.” She mumbled.

“You can always come visit me.”

“Don’t think I won’t.”

“I think I’d be happier if you did.” I added getting up.

“When it’s your last week there I will.”

“It’s a date.” I said giving her a wink and I went to take a shower.

The following morning, Andrea threw me out of bed at 4 am to leave for my 6am flight.

“Let me know as soon as you land.” Andrea told me hugging me so tight I struggled to breathe.

“Okay,” I choked out.

“Whoops.” She said sheepishly immediately letting me go. “Oh and also let me know once you see Brook’s dick.”

“I am not going to see Brook’s dick!” I told her.

“Sure, like I said just let me know.” She grinned.

The flight was quick; I was busy reading anyway to pay attention to the flight. Once I was off the plane I noticed the dramatic climate change and felt happy. I was no longer freezing or soggy from the snow. Brook was waiting for me at the gate when I walked out with my bag. Of course I quickened my pace to run and hug him.

“Aw did you miss me?” Brook joked, as I wouldn’t let go.

“Very much.” I mumbled in to him.

“Well now you’re going to be so sick of me after this you’ll never want to talk to me ever

“Never!” I said in fake shock, making him laugh more.

The drive from the airport to his apartment was filled with us catching up, him asking me about how the Euro Cup was. His apartment was bigger than I expected, once I was settled in we headed out to a barbeque one of the other member’s places.

“If you’re not a sight for sore eyes!” The bass player Dave exclaimed as Brook and I walked in to the back yard.

“I think you’re happier than my family is when they see me.” I joked as he hugged me and picked me up in the air.

We spent the night discussing what they had done so far with their demos, and where we were going to be recording, and which producer they were using. As well as of course joking around and enjoying ourselves.

The next day I headed to the studio with Brook to meet the producer and see where and what I would be working with. It went really well to say the least, and once the first week went by I was already pretty comfortable. I’d still get Luka calling me asking me to change my mind and fly in for Christmas.

“You know I think you should teach me Croatian.” Brook laughed one night while him and I was eating dinner.

“Why?” I chuckled, “So you can scare people?”

“Exactly.” He nodded.

“I want Mexican!” I exclaimed.

“If we get Mexican you’re going to get it.” Dave told me sternly.

“What? I could get lost!”

We were currently arguing over what to order or get for lunch in the studio. I was by myself wanting Mexican in the worst way while everyone else wanted Chinese.

“Your cell phone has GPS.” Brook added.

“I thought you were on my side!”

“I am, but I really could go for some chicken and broccoli.” He explained.

“So what you’re telling me is I have to get the food?”

“If you volunteer to get it we’ll eat whatever you get.” Dave said.

“That’s actually edible.” Brook added knowing me way too well.

“Ugh! Fine I’ll go.” I mumbled. “I’m taking your car.” I told Dave holding my hand out in front of him.

“Please don’t kill it.” He told me as he hesitantly handed me his keys.

“If I get lost, I get paid over time!” I shouted on the way out, as I slipped on my sunglasses and grabbed my bag.

“Sure Modric!” Dave shouted after me, still picking on my jersey I was wearing.

I mumbled to myself in Croatian as I walked down the street to Dave’s truck. Of course once I got to said truck, I realized what a bad idea it was saying I wanted to take it seeing as I could have used a step stool just to get in.

I drove for a good twenty minutes trying to remember where the fast food Mexican place was that Brook and I frequented the past week.
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Lena's Outfit