Status: Finished

Hell on High Heels

All in the name of…

(Chelsea's PoV)

One hour before the show starts...

I grow more nervous by the minute and am counting the minutes until the first model has to walk on the catwalk. As the models are being send to make-up and hair, Nikki walks towards me, before starting to massage me. He’s surprisingly good at it and I actually start to feel relaxed.

“It’ll be fine,” he whispers in my ear.

“Well, as long as FINE doesn’t stand for Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional, thanks for trying to calm me down Nikki,”

He smirks. “Does it help? And no, it doesn’t stand for fucked up, insecure, neurotic and emotional, as much as I love to quote song lyrics by the great rock band called Aerosmith."

"Yes, it does help a little Nikki. Pretty ironic that you’re the one not nervous now, huh? I remember times when I had to kick your butt before going on stage to play a gig, that’s how nervous you were, always being shy and hiding behind that huge amount of hair."

"I’m actually still as nervous as I used to be before a gig, so soon enough you’re the one trying to calm me down instead of the other way around."

"Don’t worry Nikki, I’ll return the favour."

Our intimate moment is being disturbed by the models who have returned from the hair and make-up session and are ready to go on the catwalk. I let out a shaky breath before smiling.

“It’s time to start the show.”

One hour later Nikki indeed has turned into the nervous one out of the two of us. The fashion show is reaching his end and the Crue will be both the surprise act and the grand finale. The models are told to walk around the band as they perform, showing the clothing line for one final time.

I’ve massaged Nikki, just like I promised and I know he actually has calmed a little, just like I did an hour ago. He turns to look at me, before leaning in. My heart starts to race as I feel his lips on mine, giving me a soft kiss. Afterwards he leans back and studies my face for a reaction. I just smile.

“I really like you Chelsea, I always have. Willing to give me a second chance?"

"Yes and I really like you too Nikki. hell, I doubt if I ever lost my feelings for you in the first place."

"So you’re my girl than?"


He grins before kissing me again, this time a little more passionate. I kiss back just as eagerly.

“Yo lovebirds, break it up!"

"Come on Nikki, we got a gig to play dude!”

Nikki and I groan as we pull apart.

“Good luck Nikki. "

"Thanks, and remind me to kill T-Bone and Vince later."

"What about Mick?"

"He didn’t say anything so I think I’ll spare him."

"Ok, point taken, now go melt some faces!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Only one more chapter and this story is finished....

And comments would be appreciated. Whole-heartly.