Status: Finished

Hell on High Heels

You’re all I need

The next afternoon I’m busy with locking the door of my store when I hear a voice behind me.

“I wouldn’t close that door if I were you. I need to talk to you and this place seems the more appropriate.”

I turn around and give a surprised smile.

“Nikki! Long time no see. All right, I’ll unlock it again.”

We have some small talk before entering the small office located at the back.

“Well, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

" I want to start my own clothing line. I know I don’t know anything about the fashion industry and I need your help. We can be business partners and we can split the profit in half. I know that after 13 years of no contact whatsoever it may sound weird that I’m asking you to be my business partner now but you’re the only one I know from the fashion industry who’s honest enough to tell me whether my whole clothing line idea sucks or not. I’m not going to say your idea sucks. Or at least, not until you tell me certain things that I need to know. "'

"How do you want the clothes to look like? Are you planning to create the line for men only or will there be a line for women as well? Have you thought up a name for your line yet? How far along are you with the planning?"

“The name I’ve come up with is Royal Underground and I’ve made some sketches to show you the basic idea for the line,” Nikki says, grabbing his bag. “What do you think?´´

` I like it. The name sounds good and I can definitely work with this main idea you have for the clothing.´ So, partners? We’ve got a deal Nikki,” I say while shaking his hand.

The next afternoon I’m sitting in Starbucks, making my first sketches for Royal underground.

“Boo!” I look up and smile when I realize it’s Mick who startled me.

“Hey dude what’s up?”

“ Not much, I’m bored so I decided to annoy you. What are you drawing?”

“My first designs of Nikki’s clothing line.”

“Yeah, you work together, right? Nikki told me something like that. So how do you feel about working together with him? He’s you ex that you haven’t seen for 13 years and now he’s showing up and all of a sudden you’re business partners.”

I shrug. “I can’t say I wasn’t surprised when he showed up but I like working with him. The fashion world is just as cut-throat as the music world, so we both know what it’s like to work and live with it and that it’s nice to work together with someone you know. Besides, since he beat his heroin addiction I’m sure his personality changed for the better and if he messes with me I can handle him perfectly well. Well, if he suddenly turns into the asshole he used to be, Tommy and me can always help but I can assure you he did change for the better.”

“Hey Mick, hey Chelsea,” we suddenly hear a voice behind me.

It’s Janet, with whom I never lost touch after Nikki and I broke up either. She and Mick broke up because of Mick’s addiction to alcohol but they’re still really close. Anyone can see that they still like each other but they’re too shy to admit it.

She looks at my drawings but I can’t help but noticing she sometimes glances at Mick too. I roll my eyes while wondering once again why they aren’t back together yet. It would be nice to see the poor dude with someone who really cares instead of the gold digging whores he tends to choose.