Status: Finished

Hell on High Heels


Normal PoV

Two weeks later I’m driving to Nikki’s place for another business meeting. When I’m standing in front of his door, I hear him yell to someone. Maybe coming here and disturbing them isn’t such a good idea, I think by myself as I hear another voice, this time obviously belonging to a woman, shouting back at presumably Nikki. All of a sudden it’s quiet and I decide to push the doorbell.

An annoyed Nikki opens the door but smiles as he sees me.

“Hey, can I come in?"

"Sure babe.”

We walk to the living room when a scream startles me.

"Who the hell is she!? Is she the whore that you cheated with on me!?”

A woman I don’t know is standing the doorway of the kitchen and judging by the voice, she the woman who argued with Nikki only 5 minutes ago.

"Excuse me?! I’m Nikki’s business partner who works together with him on his clothing line! I swear I have honestly know idea what’s going on here, I’ve done nothing wrong and I do not wish to be called a whore!"

"So you’re not his mistress?"

"No she’s not. Donna, please leave.”

She sighs but stands up and walks away before slamming the door on her way out. I raise an eyebrow and look at Nikki.

“Care to explain what that was all about?"

"Sorry for that Chelsea. Donna is my ex-wife and yes, I have cheated on her. I know, I’m an asshole. As a result she yells at every female that comes near me, shouting accusations. I should have warned you but I didn’t think she’d show up tonight. I’m glad she still lets me see the kids.”

He sighs with a sad look on his face and I realize now is probably not the right time to discuss business with him. Instead I pat him on his back.

“I know how it feels Nikki. My ex and I have joint-custody over my daughter too. She’s currently with him for the week since we decided she’s with one of us each week and every single week she’s not with me, I miss her so much. We tried to stay together for the her but all we did was arguing."

"I didn’t know you had a daughter. How old is she?"

"Next month she’ll be 10. Janet and Mick are her god-parents and she adores the Crüe. How many kids do you have?"

"Four,” Niki says and I see his smile slowly returning on his face.

In the next few hours we talk about anything that pops up in our minds and it feels like we’ve never been apart all these years. When we finally say goodbye, he hugs me and thanks me for being there for him.
He stares in my eyes and suddenly it looks like he wants to kiss me but then manages to get the control back over himself.

I still feel a bit weird when I drive back home. What the hell happened? Were it the old feelings that almost got the better of him? Was he just confused and/or emotional after his row with his ex? What would have happened if he hadn’t managed to behave himself? How would I have reacted?
I sigh knowing I will be pondering the entire night over this.
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Sorry for not updating this for so long but I wasn't sure if I could update this story and the one about Slash while I was waiting for the editors. Anyway, comments are very apreciated :)