Status: Finished

Hell on High Heels

Chicks = trouble?

Nikki’s PoV

I nervously stare out of the window before checking my watch once again. Chelsea should have been here now. I think back of the last time I saw Chelsea. I was really planning to kiss her goodbye that night and she knows it.

But why? Not that she was ugly or had a crap personality or anything but I only just divorced Donna. I don’t know if I’m ready for dating, especially not someone I’m working with and it certainly goes against my own plan of swearing off women for a while after her.

But yet I’m confused and nervous as hell for seeing Chelsea again. Old feelings that never really died? Me needing a shoulder to cry on and Chelsea just happening to be there? Fuck I don’t know but it’s annoying me.

Usually I would have remembered my old rule of ‘chicks equals trouble’ but this time, Chelsea did nothing wrong. She never insinuated that there was nothing more going on between us than friendship and the shared will to make the clothing line as good as possible, nothing more. The past was the past.

Than why do I feel like I’m 15 again?

My thoughts are disturbed by the doorbell. I peek out of the window again and see a car parked outside. Hoping it isn’t Donna giving a surprise visit and going apeshit instead of Chelsea, I nervously open the door. I smile when I see Chelsea.

Chelsea’s P.o.V

This meeting was fortunately less awkward than I was afraid of but yet I feel weird as I walk back to my car. I honestly don’t know what’s going on between us. I do like him, since I’ve probably never stopped liking him anyway but I don’t think I’ll try anything.

He’s my business partner, mixing business with private matters is not really a good idea and I don’t think he has the desire to even start a fling with anyone after he broke up with Donna.

If he would ask me out on a date or something, I wouldn’t object but….

I sigh, forcing myself to concentrate on the road instead of my confusing thoughts and feelings.
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