A Confusion of Mascara and ***

I drove up to Brittany’s house around 7:45pm. There was no cars in the drive way and all of the lights where off. Strange. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. Silence. Strange. I knocked again. Silence. I twisted the door knob, the door was open. Strange. I walked in. The fancy carpets where gone and I couldn't see the coat rack. I turned on the lights only to find the house completely empty. Brittany knew what I had found out...
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
    Talking to Mrs. Nelson...
  3. Chater 3
    When it all started...
  4. Chapter 4
    Talking to the mother...
  5. Chapter 5
    Talking to Brittany...
  6. Chapter 6
    Taking controll...
  7. Chapter 7
    Kings of the jungle...
  8. Chapter 8
    Movie Night...
  9. Chapter 9
    Visiting Dr.Cross...
  10. Chapter 10
    Solving the case...
  11. Chapter 11
    Thinking and deciding...
  12. Chapter 12
    The letter...