Status: Finished February 9

Don't Look Away Because Dreams Only Last for a Night

Coffee Shop Soundtrack


I got back to the basement for the second time today.

“Zack” I called as everyone looked at me. “I need to apologize. You are allowed to see her, I have no rite to say anything”

“Wait! Alex” Zack said stopping me. “You do have a say, she is your sister after all, I should have told you, and not like the way I did” he said.

“Well then, I guess we’re all good?”

“Yeah” he said as we shook on it.

“So, do you plan to see her again?”

“I don’t know, why?”

“I need you to give her this,” I said handing our album to him.

“Why? Can’t she just pick it up at a music store?”

“No, she won’t. Like you said she hates me”

“I was being over dramatic”

“Who cares. It probably is true. Anyways she doesn’t want anything to do with me so she won’t go out and buy it, so I have to get you to give it to her”

“Ok” he said taking the CD.

“And make sure she listens to track 4”

“Of course, but don’t you think you should be giving it to her and telling her to listen to track 4?”

“She won’t listen to me, trust me”

“Fine!” he yelled. “I’m going to get going then. Anything else you want me to tell her your Highness” he asked with a British accent, trying to make fun of me.

“Ha-ha. No I’m good for now”

“For now, I’m not going to be your messenger boy”

“Look what you got yourself into with my sister” I laughed as he rolled his eyes.

“Great. I should have signed a contract so that I KNEW what I was getting into,” he laughed.

“Yeah, sorry us Gaskarth’s don’t work that way”

“No, you’re just sneaky businessmen, or in your sister’s case wo- man” he said emphasizing, “man”.

“Are you implying that my sister is a man?” I questioned

“No you idiot. I better go before she never gets this,” he said waving the CD.

“Yes, go go, leave. Be gone from my kingdom,” I yelled.

“Alex, this is my uncle’s house, so not your kingdom” Jack yelled.

“Shut up” I said as Zack laughed and left.

“No, I don’t feel like it” Jack said as I jumped on top of him. “Alex, you’re vibrating, and it feels good” Jack said lying there.

“Sorry. I gotta take this,” I said as I removed my phone from my pocket.

“Nooooo!” Jack yelled as if he was doomed.

“Hello?” I questioned as I waited.

“Hey, meet me at the coffee shop” it was Jasey.

“Yeah no prob- “ the phone line went dead. “O-k” I said as I hung up. “I have to go out. I’ll be back”

“Band practice, don’t forget” Rian yelled as I nodded as I took off for the coffee shop. When I got there, Jasey was sitting at a table with another man. I looked at her, at him. They looked happy. She found someone else. I thought as I began to walk away, but she saw me.

“Alex” she called as she grabbed my shoulder.

“Hey” I tried to sound normal as she led me to the table with the strange man.

“I wanted you to meet my husband, Greg” Husband?” Husband? She has a husband? And she did what with me? She cheated on him with me? I tried to put a smile on my face as I shook his hand.

“Please to meet you,” he said all smiley. “So you’re the great Alex that used her name in a song?” he asked.

“Yeah” I gulped. I wonder what else she told him? ‘Oh hun, by the way me and Alex had hot sex in a bathroom today’ Yeah because that’s what she talks about with her husband.

“My wife loves you for it; she’s determined to name our child after you. Even if it’s a girl, Alex is the name,” he said as I choked on my own saliva.

“What?” I questioned as she nodded and smiled.

“I’m pregnant” she squealed.

“Oh, well, congratulations” I smiled as I hugged her. Before I knew it, it was 4:00 and my phone was vibrating again.

“Hello?” I questioned. “Excuse Me,” I whispered to Jasey and Greg.

“Band practice, ring a bell?” Rian asked.

“Yeah, oh shit, I’ll be there” I said as I hung up.

“Sorry, I have to leave this great get-together, but I have band practice” I said standing up in my seat.

“Oh it’s no problem. We should meet again” Jasey smiled.

“Yes most defiantly. It was a pleasure to meet you”

“You too” I said as I waved goodbye and took off down the street. I couldn’t process what had happened today. First Jasey, my Jasey Rae was married. Why did she fail to tell me that very important piece of information? Secondly, she was pregnant? What happened if it was mine? We did have unprotected sex, what earlier today. It couldn’t be possible. My mind raced as I ran home, well my new home.
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I'm on a role with this story holy cow! I have a lot written for this, I feel so good about that 8D

Coffee Shop Soundtrack- All Time Low