Status: Finished February 9

Don't Look Away Because Dreams Only Last for a Night

Top Of The World


I was right. The entire day went by so fast and it was one of the best talks in my life. He told me that they had gone on their tour the past year and that’s why I didn’t hear from him. I just nodded even though I knew already. He said he would have told me but he only found out two days before and to him he had no time to call. I asked him about during the tour and he looked at me and said nothing. I thought he wouldn’t say anything else about it when he said:

“I thought you’d be mad and never want to talk to me, so I waited until tour was over. Trust me I wanted to call you every second of every day to tell you everything that was going on”

“You should have” I encouraged.

“I should have,” he agreed. “But I didn’t, and I don’t want to dwell on the past” he had said.

I told him that I still went to school, would be for another two years. I told him I planned on making my way as a recording artist and that my songs would make it. That’s what encouraged him to make me pull out my guitar and play a couple lines to a song.

“And who are the lyrics directed for?” he asked as I put my guitar down.

“Well” I started as I blushed.

“Let me guess” he said as he smiled. “Me” he finished.

“Well” I said again. “Half” I said confusing him.

“Half? What does ‘half’ mean?” he questioned.

“It’s about you, but only half”

“I only get half a song?”


“Ok. Who gets the other half? That I must share a song” he huffed to himself.

“Alex” I said bluntly like it was obvious.


“Yeah, that guy that’s supposed to be my brother” I said. Saying that stuff didn’t upset me anymore.

“Yeah, I know who Alex is. I just didn’t think it would be a song about your brother”

“Well it is. Have a problem with that?” I asked in a joking tone.

“Yeah, what if I do?” he questioned.

“Then you can leave”

“Oh really? You really think so?” he asked as he started chasing me.

“Ah!” I laughed. “Zack what are you doing?” I questioned.

“Chasing you. What does it look like?” he questioned.

“But why?” I laughed as I dropped onto the couch. It was good to see that a year hadn’t done anything to our friendship. I think the friendship had grown stronger.

“I don’t know,” he laughed as he dropped beside me on the couch.

“Well then” I laughed.

“What were we talking about?” he asked

“No idea, but let’s not dwell on the past” I quoted him.

“Oh yeah, you think your so smart quoting me”

“Oh I feel like a genius,” I laughed.

“Hey I still owe you a dinner and a movie”

“Well, look at that, you do”

“What do you say?”

“To what?” I asked.

“Dinner and a movie?”

“I say when and where?”

“I say right now, right here. You up for Chinese?” he asked as I looked at him. “I’ll order it,” he said as I nodded. “You pick the movie while I order,” he said walking into the kitchen.

I went and pulled out my basket of movies. I couldn’t believe Zack. It was like Zack went on tour and became a different person. This person I liked, I liked a lot. Maybe even loved. I thought as he came back.

“They said twenty-minute delivery. Have you picked a movie?”

“No” I said as he sat beside me.

“This?” I shook my head. “This”


“This, come on, I know you want to” he taunted,

“I do, are you ok with that?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m down” he smiled as we sat and waited for the food. It was the longest twenty minutes I’ve ever witnessed.

“Alright! Movie time” Zack shouted as we ate and popped in The Notebook. We sat on the couch eating. As soon as we finished eating I leaned into him, breathing in his scent, I forgot about the movie and I just paid attention to Zack and how he looked like.

“Are you watching the movie or me?” he finally asked.

“Both” I blushed as I kept my eyes on the T.V.

This time I cried a little to the movie, and I was sure I heard sniffles coming from Zack, but I didn’t question it. He would probably just deny it, but I was glad we did this. He made me fall more in love with him, and I’m hoping that’s what he wants.
♠ ♠ ♠
You know it took me at least four times to watch the Notebook and cry. Four times! That's a lot. :P
I think I'm falling in love with this illusion of Zack that I'm making :P He's just so sweet :D
Anyways comment.
Top Of The World By: Kate Voegele