Status: Finished February 9

Don't Look Away Because Dreams Only Last for a Night

Let It Roll


We got back from the mall and Jack didn’t seem to suspect a thing.

“Alex, I’m going to call Holly,” he told me as I nodded. Hearing her name just made me sick to my stomach.

“Alex, what’s up?” Rian asked.

“Nothing” I said as I lay on the couch.

“You seem so tense” he commented.

“Nah, it’s nothing,” I said.

“We need to get out of this house, and get our own house”

“Or we could always move back home” Zack added.

“Yeah, but I don’t feel like going back home” I said.

“Kate doesn’t hate you”

“Says the guy who can’t even get her to phone him”

“Oh, for your information, she did pick up my call”

“She did?” I questioned.

“Yup and I’m meeting her in an hour” he said as my mouth hung open.

“I’m shocked. I thought she would hate you and ignore you forever” I said as he laughed.

“I thought the same thing, but it turns out she has a heart unlike her brother”

“What? How do I not have a heart?” I asked as I jumped off the couch.

“You don’t call her for, what a year”

“So? She didn’t call either, she has no heart either”

“Well Gaskarths must all be the same” he stated as he got up and left the room.

“Yeah, yeah, leave the room. You can’t take the heat” I called even though he’d clearly left the room.

“Well Alex you know how to clear a room” Rian said getting up as well.

“Where are you going?”

“Out! Better leave the heartless Gaskarths” he joked.

“Ha-ha, funny” I yelled as he left too.

“Alex” Jack called as he came down. “Where is everyone going?” he asked.

“No clue” I said as he held his phone up. “What?”

“I just got off the phone with Holly” he started. Here came the sickening feeling. “And she loves our band and she wants to go on a date with me” he jumped up.

“That’s great Jack,” I said in an I-don’t-care tone.

“What’s wrong with you? I was going to ask you to write lyrics with me, but I don’t know now”

“Nothings wrong. I’m just tired, but ok let’s write some lyrics down since we’re going to need them”

“That’s what I thought!” Jack yelled.

“Yeah” I said. “So, what did you have in mind?” I asked.

“Well this line ‘all I can think about is sex’ is in my head because that’s what I think, when I think of H-“

“DON”T say her name”

“Why?” he asked lowering his head like a dog that has done something bad.

“I can’t stand it”

“But you wrote a song about her”

“I know,” I yelled with a British accent.

“Ok” he yelled with a British accent as well.

“Don’t copy me”

“Sorry” he lowered his head again.

“The clock reads half past four,”

“Lyrics” Jack sang.

“No, I’m just stating the time” I said.

“I don’t care, it’s our new lyric,” he said as he wrote it down.

“We should go to the beach”

“We should, lots of chicks”

“What about Holly?” I asked hating saying her name.

“Who?” he questioned.

“That girl you’re ‘in love with’” I said using air quotations, as he looked confused at me.

“I don’t know who that is,” he said as he turned.

“Ok?” I questioned confused myself as his phone rang.

“Hey look Holly’s calling,” he said getting that lovey look in his eyes again.

“Yeah, Ho-ll-y” I said slowly.

“Who’s that?” he asked as he picked up.

“Hello?” he answered. “Alex?” he asked.

“What? Me, what about me?” I asked frantically.

“He’s not here… I guess… Bye” he said hanging up as I looked at him.

“What was that?”

“She asked for Alex Greco, I don’t know anyone by that name, she must have the wrong number” he explained as I slapped my forehead. She was probably looking for me, but couldn’t remember my name. Smart one.

“Yeah wrong number” I agreed as we pulled out our guitars. “Let’s get more lyrics going and maybe some actual guitar parts while the other two are out,” I said as he nodded in excitement grabbing his guitar. I was in deep shit if he found out about Holly and I.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was supposed to have three chapters of this story written, and I only ended up with this one.
I feel really bad, I have to try and write more... like ASAP!

Let It Roll- All Time low