Status: Finished February 9

Don't Look Away Because Dreams Only Last for a Night

Come One, Come All


We got threw the songs- I wrote lyrics while Jack wrote guitar parts.

“That was a good, what was it?” Rian asked as he came down into the basement.

“Our new song”

“Already another?” he asked in disbelief. “I think we have enough don’t you?” he asked.

“But I don’t like the songs that we wrote on tour. I think we should all just chill and write here,” I said.

“Or we can go to the beach” Jack chimed in.

“We could. I’m down”

“Alright I’m down too. Where’s Zack?”

“With your sister”

“Shit! No way?”


“Shit” I cursed under my breath. I bet they had a relationship going and they aren’t going to tell me about it. I’ll have to find out the hard way. Oh no, no. I will find out my way.

“Dude, the beach?” Rian asked.

“Not today. Tomorrow when the sun is high in the sky”

“It’s high now”

“And crowded”

“Ah man! The guy’s got a point,” Jack said.

“A good point at that” Rian added.

“So tomorrow it is,” I confirmed as they nodded their heads in agreement. “Right ok. So I have new inspiration so if you don’t mind, I’d like to be left alone” I said as Rian put his hands up and walked away.

“That means you too Jack” I said as I grabbed a pen and paper and began to make jot notes.

“Oh, but please? I could help,” he offered like a small child wanting to help make cookies.

“Fine I guess so” I gave in. After all Jack is like a brother to me.

“What do you have so far?” he asked peering over my shoulder.

‘Come one, come all you’re just in time, to witness my first –“

“What were you going to write?” he asked as he looked up at me.

“Breakdown” I said as I wrote it.

“Why?” he asked.

“I was thinking about Kate… and Zack”

“Oh, are you mad at Zack?”

“Well… no” I said. I couldn’t be mad at one of my best friends. It isn’t fair.

“Then?” he asked confused.

“How about we make up a story,” I said as he looked at me.


“I have to think of a character for Zack, and one for Kate, I play myself”

“Oh, oh, oh. Can I be in the story?”

“Of course”

“Yes!” he shouted. “Can I be a judge?”


“I want to be a judge,” he declared.

“Uhm ok. I don’t know how it will work. But we’ll make it” I said.

“Can we have a DJ?”

“A DJ? What does that have to do with a judge?”

“Oh, brilliant idea!” Jack yelled as he wrote it down.

“DJ stands for Zack- because fact, you hate that one DJ on that radio station, right now hate Zack”

“Awesome. I love the way you think”

“But wait, there’s more” he said like a broadcaster.

“You play you. I’m the judge, and I want to take you away because you hate the DJ”

“Wait! Why does the judge take me away?” I asked a little confused by his choices. “And where’s Kate?”

“I want to take you away from hating Zack because we are all best friends” he said. “And as for Kate. I’m taking you away from all the ‘terrible mistakes’ you’ve made with her” he explained as I started forming sentences so they can turn into verses.

“I think this is going to be a good song. It’s got such a meaning that no one but you and me will understand” I boasted.

“That’s the point” he smiled. “Now let’s make music because I really, really, really want to use this song for our album” he said excited.

“I agree One hundred percent,” I said as we grabbed our guitars.

“Rian” I yelled as he jumped down the stairs.

“What? What? Did something happen?” he asked worried.

“No, no” I said reassuring. “We just came up with probably THE BEST LYRICS EVER,” me and Jack shouted.

“Let me see” he declared as we showed him. “I need to get my drums going” he said excited as well. “That is one good story”

“Thank Jack” I said as I high fived him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Late! Detention.
Sorry :(
I hope you can forgive me.
I'm just an innocent woMan
(No pun intended)

Come One, Come All By: All Time Low