Status: Finished February 9

Don't Look Away Because Dreams Only Last for a Night

Dear Maria, Count Me In


We got back from the beach and Zack had almost fifteen missed calls on his phone. He went to take care of them as we started making noise.

“Do you think this album will be THE album?” Rian asked.

“I sure hope so,” I said as we made more noise.

“Alex, your sister called, she wanted me to tell you that your dad came back, he doesn’t care that your gone, but the school is asking about you. The principal asked both your sister and your dad. Your sister said she hasn’t seen you and your dad said you were with him working. He’s trying to get you to graduate”

“What?” I questioned after he exploded with all this new information.

“I’m not repeating myself. Call your sister”

“No. I heard you, but I don’t want to graduate” I said as I got up, as I got up my phone went off.

“Who the hell is this?” I questioned as I picked up.


“Alex? It’s Maria”


“Yeah Maria Green, we were really great friends”

“Maria, I know who you are. I’m just going through some things,” I said as she laughed.

“You know you can still talk to me”

“I know”

“Where’d you go?” she asked.

“To start a band,” I said simply.

“Band name?”

“All Time Low” I said as she giggled.

“I love you guys. I knew they sounded familiar. I’m a striper now” she said proud.

“A striper?” I asked surprised. She wasn’t the type to become a stripper, but what the hell.

Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the club sometime, since I heard your dad is back in town”

“You know too!” I said angry.

“Yeah, I found out from your sister” she said as I though ‘of course’

“Oh” I said

“Yeah so you should come out tonight”

“I will where?” I asked as she gave me the address and she gave me here number.

“I hope to see you tonight” she said.

“You probably will,” I said as I hung up.

“Jack!” I yelled as I ran upstairs.

“Yo” he said coming out of the kitchen.

“We’ve got somewhere to go tonight,” I said as he looked at me, trying to read through my brain.

“Where?” he asked as he rubbed his eyes. I looked around to see if anyone was around.

“A strip club”

“Strip club” he yelled.

“Shut it!” I shushed him. “Just you and I are going,” I said as he nodded with a grin.


I drove up to the address and I see her name in lights.

“I’m on a mission tonight” I told Jack.

“What’s that?”

“To have a good time,” I said as he laughed.

“Ok” he said as we entered the club with the fake IDs I managed to score.

“Why are we here anyways? Other than to have a good time?”

“Maria, you remember Maria?”

“Yeah, the redhead in our math class who used to stare at you like a hawk all semester” he said as I nodded and laughed.

“Well she’s a striper here,” I said as his eye balls popped out of his head.

“Holy shit. You’re lying,” he said as I shook my head. “Fuck” he uttered as we tried to find our way to the bar.

“Well when the lights go up, I want to watch the way she takes the stage by storm” I say as he nodded. Without another word, out she came and Jack and I hollered her name, and she waved at us.

“How’s Holly?” I asked out of the blue.

“I broke up with her. It wasn’t meant to be,” he said as I laughed taking a sip from my beer. I was so glad I got these fake IDs, I smiled to myself.

“Alex” Maria shouted as she game over to us. “Jack” she said as she hugged me.

“Hi” I said as I smiled. “How’s the life?’ I asked as she nodded her head

“It’s great! Money’s awesome too,” she said as she winked.

“Here’s a tip,” I said as I pulled out ten bucks.

“Oh geez thanks Gaskarth,” she giggled. “Just put it here” she said as I put it in her bra. “Well I better get myself back up there, it’s my turn” she said as I hugged her goodbye.

“Wow, has she ever changed. I think she’s hot now” Jack said as we sat at the back.

“Yeah” I said as she did her thing.

“We should get wasted then write a song about it” Jack said drinking some more.

“Can I get another beer?” I asked as a beer appeared in front of me. “Sweet” I said as we drank til we couldn’t drink no more.

“Uhm excuse me, guys,” someone said as I got up. Jack was beside me, shirtless. When I looked at myself I was shirtless as well. What the hell happened? I thought as I got up.

“What the hell?” Jack yelled as he got up.

“I don’t know,” I said as we grabbed our shirts and left the club. I looked at my watch and noticed it was 3 AM.

“Are we still writing a song?” Jack asked.

“Later, I need to sleep” I said as we got into the car and crashed.

Good Night.