Status: Finished February 9

Don't Look Away Because Dreams Only Last for a Night

Manhattan From the Sky


I spent time with the famous Alex Gaskarth. What a treat! I thought as I finished work and I saw Zack standing behind the set.

“Hey” I smiled as I ran up to him and kissed him.

“Hi” he laughed. “Good day at work?”

“Yes” I smiled as I grabbed his hand and led him out of the set room.

“Good to hear, I also heard you spent the morning with your brother”

“Uh I know”

“How did that go?” he asked as I laughed.

“Better than you or I cold have guessed”

“Good to hear”

“Why do you sound extra happy?”

“I don’t know, you guys were the bestest of friends, anyone could see that, but then you guys got into the big fight that no one could figure out. It wasn’t until we started making the record that it all came out,” Zack explained.

“Oh, I didn’t know that” I said looking at my shoes.

“Its ok. I’m just telling you. And I want you to know that now that you guys are talking again, we are happy for you. I think Alex is happier when you guys are together”

“You make me sound like I’m his girlfriend,” I said as he laughed.

“Sorry. I didn’t want it to come out like that”

“Its ok” I laughed as we reached my house. “What do you want to do?” I asked.

“Anything you feel like” he smiled. “Plus you’re the one who lives here”

“How about we go for a drive?”

“At this hour?”

“Yeah” I laughed.


“I’ve always wanted to go to Manhattan”

“That’s sort of far to drive” he said shaky.

“I know”

“So why don’t we take a plane first thing tomorrow?” Zack suggested.

“Oh, I like that. But are you leaving?” I asked sad.

“Not if you don’t want me to”

“Stay the night” I smiled as I kissed him as I led him to my room.

“I don’t think I have a choice,” he laughed.


“Let’s go, I want to go to the top of that skyscraper” I whined like a little kid.

“Ok, ok” Zack laughed as I pulled him along the streets of Manhattan.

“It’s so beautiful from up here” I exclaimed. “Everyone down there looks like ants,” I laughed as Zack hugged me.

“Everyone does,” he said into my hair as he kissed me.

“Let’s go shopping,” I said as thunder crackled outside. “No! It’s raining!” I pouted as Zack laughed at me.

“Don’t worry baby, we’ll just run” he laughed.

“Run? In that? Have you considered my hair?” I yelled as he started playing with his own. I smirked as he pretended to move it into a position.

“Ok stop” I laughed.

“No, go ahead feel it, its luscious isn’t it?” he asked as I just snorted I was laughing so hard.

“What was that?”

“Shut up! You’re making me laugh too hard” I said as I pushed him slightly as we left the building.

“So, do you think my hair will get bigger than this in the rain, or will the rain flatten this hair of mine?”

“Oh Zack, you have to stop. I’m going to burst open,” I said as we stood out of the doorway.

“Are you ready?”

“As ready as you are”

“Well then I guess we aren’t ready. I don’t want to ruin my perfectly good hair”

“Zack” I yelled as I grabbed his arm and we ran out into the pouring rain.

“I can’t believe you made me do this” Zack declared as we ran into an antique shop.

“Oh shut up. My hair is more precious than yours”

“You did not just say that” he said still playing.

“Oh yes I did” I played along.

“How dare you?”

“I love your hair,” I said as I stood on tiptoe and kissed him while I put my hands through his hair. “It does feel luscious,” I laughed as he smiled.

“I told you”

“Can I help you both?” A woman asked us coming out of nowhere.

“Oh, no, we’re just looking around” I said as she smiled then walked away.

“She didn’t look too happy” I whispered to Zack.

“Oh, I should kiss you again” he whispered back.

“No” I yelled as I pressed my lips together as I fought the urge to laugh.

“No yelling in the shop” the woman came back. We both burst out laughing once she left.

“I think we should leave” Zack said as he picked me up and we left out of the shop.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehe I like Zack's hair :)
That is when he had the fro going on.

Manhattan From the Sky By: Kate Voegele