Status: Finished February 9

Don't Look Away Because Dreams Only Last for a Night

99 Times


I went to work and put on a show face. It worked better than I thought.

“How is Bethany?” I got asked as I walked in Mark’s “office”.

“She’s better, I don’t know how much longer she has to spend in the hospital though”

“I hope she’s back on her feet soon” Mark said.

“Of course you do,” I said as he smirked.

“I want her to feel better”

“She does feel better, but she’s going to be an emotional wreck” I informed him.

“Too bad” he uttered.

“You’re going to have to take it easy on her when she gets back”

“Uh, thanks Kate I know” he laughed as I cracked a smile. “So anyways what brings you here, because we clearly aren’t filming”

“Well, I was hoping you had some work for me to do”

“Got something on your mind?” he asked.

“Well, yeah-”

“Say no more, I can give you something to do,” he told me as I smiled. He got up and led me to one of our sets.

“What exactly do you want me to do?” I asked curious. We stopped just outside the studio.

“You can work on some new material,” he said as I looked at him, then the floor.

“Uh, why?” I asked confused.

“Well I think the show needs some new music for one, and you said you had some things on your mind. I thought it was perfect” he explained.

“You know what Mark?”

“No actually I don’t”

“It was rhetorical, but you’re right!” I said with a smile.

“Oh” he said as he opened the door for me. “Have fun, because I know you will” he told me as I walked into the room, and he closed the door behind me. I was alone now, just the instruments and I.

I had so many thoughts that I threw my purse and it hit a drum kit. I picked up the guitar and started playing cords that sounded sad.

“This sounds pathetic,” I whispered to myself as I stopped playing. I looked around the room, from the ceiling to the floor, from wall to wall and the door. I knew this room was sound proof but I still felt like if I make a loud noise, everyone would hear.

After all my looking around I went for it and I lashed out playing all sorts of cords. I let my inner demon out and I stood up and head banged just a little. I stopped and thought to write down what I had been playing. That was the easy part. When I wrote it I decided to make it sound a bit softer. Now words, I thought as my notebook from high school fell out of my bag. I read through it and laughed at a lot of it. I found I wrote about Alex and Zack a lot, but now I was going to write an entire song on both of them I thought as I got out a pen.

Right now I hated them both, but that was ok because it was easy, I still love them that is the hard part, I thought as the words that I wrote flowed from my head out onto the paper. I was so into my thoughts I didn’t hear the knock so when I looked up Mark was standing in front of me.

“Oh my god, Mark you scared me”

“Boo” he laughed. “I did knock though”

“I was too busy writing,” I told him as I pointed at the paper.

“Ah, I see. Well I came here to tell you I’m leaving for the night, which means you have to leave as well”

“I do?” I asked surprised.

“Yes. I wouldn’t kick you out, but no body but you and I are here, and I have to lock up because I have the key”

“Oh, I see. Ok let me just pick my things up,” I said as I went to pick up my purse from the drum kit.

“How did your purse get into the drum kit- wait, on second thought, I don’t want to know” he said putting his hands up as he flipped the light out.

“You’re right you don’t want to know,” I laughed as I closed the door behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy New Year everyone! 2011! :D

99 Times By: Kate Voegele