Ten Things I Hate About Him

The Little Comments

I tap the side of my mouth with my pencil. My hands drum on the wooden desk as I stare down at my half finished Spanish homework. I start to swirl the eraser shavings with my finger, feeling the texture push against my hand. I hear a knock at the door as I finish making a heart with the pink scraps.

“Come in.” My voice echoes against the walls of my room. I turn my head towards the door to see my friend, John O'Callaghan, step inside of the entry way.  He waves to me and sits down on the floor of my room, pulling his IPod out of his pocket and typing away on the screen.

“I don’t understand why your dorm doesn’t have a wifi signal.” He said, squinting his eyes at the screen and shaking his IPod. I laughed to myself as I turned to look at him. His light brown hair was draped across his face and his brown eyes were focused on the tiny screen. He was probably trying to get a hold of his girlfriend, Nichole. I shivered at the thought and returned my attention to the papers on the wooden desk. “So what’re your plans tonight?” He said, looking up at me.

“Haley invited me to go to a club with her, what about you?” I scribbled a few answers onto my paper before glancing at John. It must have been my imagination, but I could have sworn I saw disappointment spread across his face.

“Oh, um, I’ll probably hangout with Nichole. She wanted to watch the new Zac Efron movie.” He stuttered the beginning, but quickly caught himself.

“I thought you hated Zac Efron?” I raised my eyebrow.

“I do. But I don’t think we’ll be watching much of the movie.” He commented, wiggling his eyebrow. I forced a laugh to escape my throat as I walked over to my closet. My hands skimmed over the assortment of dresses, the fabric gliding through my hands. I pulled out a short black dress with sequins decorating the bottom.

“What do you think about this dress?” I ask holding it up for him to look at. His eyes glanced over it as he shrugged.

“It looks good I guess.” He looked down at his IPod again, “I mean if you’re looking to hook up with some scum bag.” My imagination played with me again as I heard a hint of jealousy in his voice. Perfect, I thought. I laid the dress on my bed and sat down next to John. He didn’t notice me leaning my head on his shoulder as he typed a message on the little screen. For the rest of the afternoon we sat around, occasionally leaving the apartment to go to the local candy store.

Reason number one: The littlest comments from him make my heart jump.