Ten Things I Hate About Him

Useless Tears

I woke up the next morning to the sound of heavy knocking on my door. The knocks seemed to beat in sync with the pounding in my head. I groaned and pushed myself off of the bed, realizing that the man from last night had left. I searched around my floor and quickly found a pair of boxers, I pulled them onto my body and slid a shirt over my head. Well the boy was obviously in a hurry, I thought as I walked over to the door. I pulled at the silver handle, causing the door to pull back and reveal a tired looking John.

“Hey John,” I said as I turned around and laid down on my bed. I glanced over at the clock and realized that it was nine thirty. “Why’re you awake?” I asked, shoving my face into a nearby pillow. I could smell the scent of the man from last night.

“How was your night? I’m guessing fun.” He said raising his eyebrow and pulling at the fabric of the boxers. I nodded into the pillow and groaned, the pain from my head becoming unbearable. I felt John leave the bed and heard his footsteps move to the corner of the room. He returned a few seconds later, a bottle of water and some aspirin in hand.

“Here, this should help.” He pushed the aspirin towards me, concern decorated his face. I quickly swallowed the pills and sat up in bed. “You know that sleeping with random guys isn’t doing any good for you. What if you become pregnant, what will the school think? Do you even know their names?” He commented, anger in his voice.

“My sex life is none of your business. You’re not my mother.” I said, getting frustrated by the way he was lecturing me. It really wasn’t any of his business who I sleep with, especially when he sleeps around with the cheerleading squad whenever Nichole isn’t watching.

“I’m just trying to help, I care about you.” He sighed, putting the bottle of water down.

“I’m a big girl.” I said as my temper rose. “I can take care of myself.”

“Cassidy, no you can’t. You’ve already missed your first class and you’ve gone out three times this week, each night bringing home a different guy. You’re amazing at taking care of yourself.” He seethed, sarcasm dripping off of his words. I could feel the tears run down my face.

“You are not my guardian, John O'Callaghan. I can take care of myself just fine. And the only reason I bring home guys is to forget about you!” I rose my voice, stepping closer to him and shoving him. This caused his body to shudder and almost fall to the floor. “I sleep with any man I can find because I need to forget about you, it hurts me to see you so happy with Nichole while I’m crying myself to sleep. I’ve had a crush on you for twelve fucking years and you haven’t taken a hint. You’re destroying me John.” I collapsed to the floor, my body feeling weak and broken as the tears poured down my face.

John stood over me, his eyes showing no emotion. “Please just leave if you have nothing to say,” I stuttered in between breaths. I closed my eyes and waited for his voice, but instead I heard the sound of footsteps and the door closing. My chest heaved as I rolled into a ball and cried myself to sleep.

Reason number three: How he makes me cry, how I shed useless tears over him.