Don't Want Anything to Do With This

The factory

The old factory smelled musty and old. Dust puffed up with every step that I took, forming clouds around my feet. I gazed around silently assessing the condition of the building and finding myself quite satisfied with what I saw. Setting down my bag roundhouse kicked a support beam. It didn’t make a sound, though quiet a bit of dust and mold fell from the ceiling above.
“That shouldn’t be to much of a problem.” Looking around again I found some wooden crates in a far corner. Pushing them together I formed a rough bed, using a folded blanket I made it at least somewhat comfortable.
Shadows started to form as evening wore on, the lights flickered dimly. After years of not being used it was a wonder that they still worked but who’s complaining? Flicking the lights back off I left the building and headed into the city. Keeping to the shadows I soon reached a narrow alleyway. Trash was heaped in big piles and lined the walls making it hard to move through. The stink of the trash made my eyes water as I dug through the bags of trash until I found what I was looking for. A girl of about my age lay unconscious, where I had left her buried in the trash. Her metallic skin glimmered softly in the harsh streetlight.
“Come on, Mimiteh, up we go.” I grunted as I hoisted her onto my back, throwing her arms around my neck and gripping her legs to keep her from sliding off while I ran. The streets were mercifully empty as we ran back to the run down factory. She groaned a little but didn’t wake up. A hidden pair of eyes made me turn around in panic. There was no one on the street or in the shadows, there was only a yellow camaro with black racing stripes, but even through the tinted windows I couldn’t see anyone. Turning back around I started to run again, taking a different path this time just in case someone was following me.