Status: One Shot - complete

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

Chapter 1 of 1

It hadn't been raining when she started walking and now that it was, it was the last thing on her mind. The people she passed in the street may have been giving her strange questioning looks but she hadn't noticed. She just walked aimlessly along the streets of Huntington Beach, not noticing the rain, not noticing the people, not noticing where she was going or how wet she was.

Oblivious to how she ended up there exactly Abbey found herself on a park bench, sat under a large birch tree, looking out over most of the park.

The park itself was almost empty, a few people using it as a short cut to get to wherever they needed to go. There were no skaters, no joggers, no dog walkers, anyone who was sensible was sheltering from the early autumn rain.

Usually Abbey would have been one of those people, but today she felt different. After the morning she'd had, when it had started raining as she made her way home she felt the need, the desire to stay out in it, to feel the cool drops on her face. So she did. She pulled her legs up onto the bench, sitting cross-legged with her eyes shut, her face tilted slightly upwards so that the rain fell directly onto her face.

Time stood still, for Abbey at least. For all she knew she could have been sat there for hours or only minutes. With the sky full of rain clouds there was no sun to help here take a guess.

"Excuse me but are you okay?'' the soft masculine voice drew her from her thoughts.

"I'm fine.'' she replied politely not opening her eyes.

"Ok.'' the voice replied simply and Abbey heard his footsteps walk away before they stopped abruptly and came closer again.

"I'm sorry, but in my opinion anyone who sits on a bench in the middle of the park when it's pouring down with rain can't be fine. People just don't do that in real life.'' he said calmly.

It was then that she opened her eyes and found herself looking up, through rain clouded eyes at a tall, dark haired well built guy. She couldn't tell the colour of his eyes but could see that he had piercings; snake bites and a septum ring. He was wearing tight black jeans, and a tight fitting t-shirt that showed his two full sleeves of colourful tattoos.

"I'm fine really, thanks for your concern.'' she said with a smile just as a small black ball of fur leapt up onto her making her yelp in shock.

"Ichabod down!" the man scolded the dog that immediately jumped down and shook his wet fur so that it sprayed all over her.

"Sorry, he can be a bit over friendly.'' The guy said apologetically.

"It's okay, really I'm fine, after the day I've had a few muddy paw prints on my clothes is the least of my worries.'' she replied with a smile as she tried to brush the prints off her soaking wet jeans, but only smudging the mud more.

"Are you sure you're okay?'' the guy asked after a hesitant pause.

"I've told you I’m fine.'' she replied dismissively before sneezing uncontrollably.

"See, you've caught a cold, you need to get out of those wet clothes before you catch pneumonia.'' he replied persistently. Abbey looked up at him and noticed his face was full of concern and worry. Deep down she knew he was right; she would catch her death out here if she sat in the rain much longer. But where was she going to go? It was the she snapped and silent tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"I have nowhere to go.'' she whispered almost inaudibly.

Sympathy weaved onto the strangers face as he sat down beside her. "Look, I know you don't know me, and you have no reason to trust me or accept help from me, but you are welcome to come back to my place.'' he said with a caring smile. From where he was now sat, Abbey could see that he had green eyes. For a moment all she could do was stare back into his eyes, mesmerised by the jade orbs.

"You could have a shower and I'm sure I could find you some dry clothes.'' he said when she still hadn't spoken.

"Are you sure? I mean you don't know if you can trust Me.'' she replied still staring into his eyes.

"I'll take my chances.'' he replied with a smile and a wink. She couldn't help but smile in return and nodded. "Okay then. Good, c'mon.'' he said getting up off the bench. Abbey smiled and pushed herself off the bench to follow him back through the park.

They walked in almost complete silence until he was walking up the driveway to a large house. Abbey's eyes widened, she always tried not to be stereotypical when it came to people, but this was not the kind of place she had assumed this guy would live in. This guy must have had money. This was no 'living on minimum wage' kind of house.

As she followed him into the entrance hall she could see that the inside of the house was as impressive as the outside. She stayed rooted to the spot, noticing the clean crisp white rug, knowing that she would leave footprints if she took another step.

"Don't worry about the rug, it's easier to clean than it looks.'' he said as if reading her mind as he turned back to face her. She nodded with a smile, but took her shoes off quickly before following him towards the large staircase.

"Here's the guest bathroom, the shower is real easy to use, there are fresh towels out...'' he began stopping at one of the many rooms along the upstairs corridor. "And opposite is one of the guest bedrooms, I'll sort some clothes out by the time you get out of the shower. I'll be downstairs if you need me."

"Thanks.'' she replied shyly with a faint smile as she took a step past him into the bathroom. He nodded with a smile before turning to walk across the hallway to the guest bedroom.

The shower was heaven. She stood under the hot water for what seemed like hours. Once she had finished she wrapped a towel around her body and a smaller one around her hair and made her way across to the guest bedroom with a bundle of her soaked through clothes in her arms. Folded neatly on the bed, Abbey found jeans a t shirt and even a clean underwear.

She dried and got herself dressed in the clothes before towel drying her hair as best she could. She then made her way down the stairs where she was met by the smell of cooking. She followed the smell of what she believed to be stew into a large kitchen where the dark hair stranger was stood in dry clothes pouring chopped carrots into a large pot on the large stove.

"You don't have to stay, but this stew is perfect for keeping away colds, and lets face it you'll be lucky if you don't catch pneumonia after sitting out it that rain for God knows how long.'' he said turning back to the counter to chop up the Swede.

"Thanks. It smells lovely.'' she replied quietly taking a few steps forward so that she was stood next to the counter opposite him.

"Of course it's going to be a while before it's ready so you're going to have to put up with my company for a little while longer.'' he replied with a playful grin and a small glint in his green eyes.

"I think I can deal with that.'' she replied with a widening smile.

"Good, in that case there's a bottle of wine over there, glasses in the cupboard and a bottle opener in the drawer.'' he replied pointing at each of the necessary places. She nodded in return and soon she was passing him a large glass of red wine.

"Trying to get me drunk?'' he said smirking.

"Maybe.'' she replied with a mimicked smirk. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively in return which caused her to blush. She pushed herself up onto the stool and took hold of her glass of wine as she silently watched him carry on making the stew.

"Where did you learn to cook?'' she asked.

"My mom. She loves to cook and taught me how.'' he replied as he sprinkled some herbs into the pot. "Do you cook?'' he added turning back to face her.

"Oh god no. My mom always jokes that I can't even boil an egg without burning the water.'' she replied with a giggle which he mimicked.

"This just needs to simmer for a while now. Would you like to go and relax on the sofa until its ready?'' he asked timidly.

"Yeah why not.'' she replied simply before following him through into the large living room. She shyly followed him and sat at the opposite end of the sofa as he put the large plasma TV on.

"I don't bite you know.'' he said without taking his eyes off the screen as he flicked through the channels. Abbey instantly felt herself blush and adjusted herself so that she was sat slightly closer to him. He glanced over and smiled, putting down the remote after settling on an old time movie that was playing. She smiled back and they fell into a comfortable silence as they both watched the film without any real interest.

Although her eyes barely left the screen, Abbey was aware that he kept on glancing at her out of the corner of his eye.

"You can ask me you know.'' she said after she noticed him looking at her once again, her eyes still fixed on the screen.

"I, I don't don't have to tell me...'' he stuttered defensively.

"I quit my job earlier; I'd had enough of my boss trying to grope me every chance he got.'' she replied simply. "Then when I got home I walked in to find my boyfriend in bed with my best friend. So now I have no job and no where to live.'' she continued. "I didn't know where I was going when I left my old apartment but by the time it started raining I was in the park and it felt good. It felt refreshing.'' she concluded.

It was then, as she glanced up that she realised that he'd moved closer to her. Close enough to gently reach his hand up and wipe away the tears she had realised she'd shed.

In that moment their eyes locked, her hazel with his emerald. Suddenly she didn't feel so alone anymore, and then as if it was the most natural thing to do, she felt herself lean closer to him, her lips pressing softly onto his plump ones.

When she realised he wasn't pulling away she pressed a little harder against his lips, letting out a low sigh of pleasure at the cold feel of his snakebites. She felt his hands move to rest on hers hips, pulling her ever so slightly closer to him. A soft uncontrollable moan escaped her lips as he gently traced her lower lip with his tongue. Slowly she parted her lips, allowing his tongue to slowly sweep into her mouth. She could feel his fingers softly tug at the hem of her t-shirt, lightly drawing circles on her bare skin. Her hands inched their way up his body, slowly sliding around his neck and into his short black hair that was still damp from the rain. With another soft moan passing her lips he gently slid his hands further up her sides, unhurriedly taking her top with him. For a few seconds their lips parted as he removed her top, leaving her mouth tingling from the kiss and the sudden lack of contact. He dropped the shirt to the floor, capturing her lips once again as he gently took hold of her again, manoeuvring her so she was led with her head resting on the sofa's arm rest.

Pulses of electricity passed through her body as his finger tips cautiously skimmed over her exposed torso. Her hands leisurely slipped down his back wanting nothing more than to feel the body under the t-shirt. Despite the urgency she felt she still moved her hands slowly down his back until she found the waistband of his jeans. Slipping her thumbs into the waist band she pulled her hands around his waist until they met at the front, her right hand taking it's time to loosen his belt buckle. A small groan passed his lips as the buckle loosened, and her hand inadvertently grazed the growing bulge within his jeans. Her hands then slipped up his back sliding his t-shirt up to reveal a tattooed torso.

His lips began to dance lightly against her exposed skin, taking his time to work his way down her body, gently nipping and licking at her skin, encouraged by the soft moans escaping her lips. As his lips gently caressed every inch of her flat stomach his fingers expertly undid the button of her jeans. She arched her back uncontrollably as he slowly tugged them away from her body. He sat back on his knees, slowly pulling the black lace panties down her legs. Her eyes closed as he placed soft kisses back down the length of her tanned legs, another moan escaping her lips as he reached her folds, his tongue darting slowly out of his mouth and flicking against her clit. Continuing the slow pace he ran his tongue over her moistening opening before slipping it further into her body.

As he felt her twitching and tightening around him he pulled away from her, his lips slowly trailing up her body again. The taste of her on his tongue brought forward another wave of heat as he slowly pushed himself into her.

He sucked lightly at the soft skin of her neck as he thrust slowly into her. She clung to his shoulders, her nails surly leaving marks. His continuing slow pace was killing her. At first she was enjoying it, now it was just driving her crazy. She brought her hands to either side of his face and pulled him away, his eyes meeting hers with confusion.

“Faster.” She said simply and sternly, letting go of his face. his response was immediate; Abbey quickly finding herself straddling him, his hands gripping her hips.

“Okay, you take charge.” He replied with a smirk. She smirked back and began to rock back and forth quickly over him, allowing every inch of him to fill her, to reach deep inside her. Her hands rested on his forcing him to guide her up and down over his large shaft. She then trailed her hands away, one moving to gently massage her left breast as the other began to manipulate her clit as he continued to move her.

Her head tilted backwards, her eyes closed in pleasure as the familiar warmth began to build low in her body again. Moans and groans filled the room as she came closer to the edge, her body beginning to twitch and convulse around his. Tiny white lights burst behind her eyelids as she felt herself reaching her peak. She felt his thumb move hers out of the way, rubbing her clit in hard circles, tipping her over the edge.

“Ooohhh. Fu-u-u-ck!” she moaned loudly as an incoherent groan escaped his lips too; them both sharing an orgasm like they’d never experienced before.

With a sigh of satisfaction Abbey allowed herself to collapse against his chest. His arm wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him.

“By the way, I’m Zacky.” He said with a slight chuckle. She chuckled in return, lifting her head to look up at him.

“Abbey.” She replied with a smile before dropping her head back to his chest, his lips pressing a kiss into her hair.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a One Shot written for xmydecemberx - hope you liked it.
If there's anyone else out there that would like a one shot written for them, please feel free to message me or leave a comment. I already have one in the pipe line...a Matt one.

Anyway, comments would be lovely....

Abbey Park
Abbey Home