Status: Complete!!

Let It Rain on Us



"Please and try to have fun tonight Leah." Maria said to me as we got off the bus and rounded the street corner. We were early and the whole street was already packed with people.

I sighed then turned to my best friend. "I’ll try."

She stopped in the middle of the blocked off street and hugged me. "Thank you thank you!" She said.

I laughed and smiled.

Yes I, Leah Morgan, was being dragged to a *flinch* Justin Bieber concert. I still can’t believe Maria convinced me to go. I didn’t like him at all. Maria on the other hand was so obsessed it wasn’t healthy. She swore she was going to marry him one day. I always laughed at her when she said things like that.

Much Music, the TV channel, was having a Justin Bieber live @ Much special on TV. Maria, being a big fan, begged her parents to get her tickets. Maria was the only person in our whole group of friends who actually liked him. Me, being the best friend, was automatically going with her.

Maria made me come to her house extra early so she could look picture perfect when she met her ‘future husband’. She spent hours and hours trying to find the perfect outfit. I just pulled on my regular clothes and walked out the door.

I was wearing a black and white stripped tank top with a cropped leather jacket over top. Dark wash denim short shorts and black ankle boots. I was carrying my Chanel tote that I got for my birthday this year. My usual ‘Leah’ touches were my famous black fedora and black faux leather gloves. I wore barley any make-up and straightened my brown hair till it lay perfectly down my back.

Maria on the other hand was dressed rather girly. She wore a high waisted black bubble skirt. A orange tank top tucked into the skirt paired with cute ballet flats. She carried a black shoulder fringe bag. She had added a black hairband hidden in her blonde hair.

"Oh we have to go this way." Maria said taking my hand and pulling me through the crowd towards the ‘inside the building seats’ entrance.

"Slow down Mar were early and he doesn’t come on for another half hour." I said.

"I know I just want to get there." She replied as we reached the ticket man.

"Tickets please." He said holding out his hand.

Maria opened her fringe bag and pulled two tickets.

The big man scanned the tickets and stamped them.

"Here you go. Your seats are on the side of the stage on the left. Are you guys sitting or standing?" He explained.

"It says we have front row seats on the left side of the stage." Maria said reading the ticket.

"Okay walk around there and follow the pink tape not the green."

I smiled at the body guard and pulled Maria’s arm. We both followed the pink tape down a narrow path on the side of the stage.

"This is so exciting!" Maria said linking her arm with mine.

"Yeah, defiantly." I said and smiled.

"Please try to have fun."

I nodded and smiled.


We walked, arms still linked, to our spots and pushed through people to get to the front.

"Oh my gosh, we’re so close." Maria said taking her seat.

"We are." I said sitting next to her.

"How long till he comes on?"

"About fifteen minutes."

"Oh, I’m nervous."

I laughed. "Why?"

"What if he comes over here and smiles at us? I think I’d faint." She said.

I laughed harder. "Okay well I’ll catch you if you fall."

"Thanks, that makes me feel so much better." Maria said sarcastically.

I smiled and turned my attention to the stage.

It was organized oddly. There were stairs in the middle near the back. About five stairs that lead down to a small stage area. The arch above the stairs was painted graffiti style.

I looked back at Maria. "Interesting set up." I said.

"Hmmm…yeah. I heard his big concert set up was weird too."

I nodded.

"How long now."

I check my IPhone. "Five minutes."

"Oh gosh. I’m going to be sick."

"Breath Maria, breath." I said patting her shoulder.

"If I get too crazy and he starts looking at me funny can you please calm me down?" She asks.

"Sure, will do." I said.

"Thanks. I’m glad a brought you and not anyone else." She said.

"Awww thanks Mar." I said giving her a one arm hug.

She smiled and stared straight ahead.

"Are you going to tell him that your going to m-a-r-r-y him some day?" I asked.

She gasped and hit my arm. "You promised you wouldn’t say anything about that!"

"I know. I had to though."

"Please don’t."

"Fine, ruin my fun." I said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are going live in two minutes." The announcer said over the

I looked over at Maria, who’s face was pure white.

"Calm down. He’s just a person."

"A person who is extremely talented and cute." She said.

"Fair enough, but still he’s still just a guy." I said.

"One minute people, one minute." The announcer said.

Just as the voice said this Justin’s dancers came out of no where and were on stage.

"We’re live in three…two…one."

"Hello Canada!" One of the dancers said who was holding a mic. He had a white T-shirt on,
baggy jeans and skater shoes. His shaggy hair was held back by a baseball cap.

Everyone screamed and cheered.

"I’m Ryan one of Justin’s dancers/best friend and this is our crew." He said pointing to the guys behind him. Ryan himself only looked about sixteen while the other dancers looked twenty. "It’s going to be a great night so lets get it started!" He yelled and smiled.

"We have to bring Justin out though so I need your guy’s help. Can you help?" The crowd screamed loudly which made Ryan laugh.

"Okay when I say Justin you say Bieber. JUSTIN!" He said.

"BEIBER!!" Everyone yelled.

Maria was smiling and yelling her heart out.

"One more time. That wasn’t loud enough!" He said. "JUSTIN!"


"OH yeah that was great! Lets see if you can get this one." He yelled. "ONE!"

"TIME!" Was yelled back.

Just then the music to ‘One Time’ came on the crowd exploded in screams.
Maria almost died screaming when Justin came out from the behind the stage and was
standing on the stairs.

"Hey Canada!" He said holding up his hand.

Every screamed twice as loud.

"How y’all doing tonight!" He said and started to sing.

"Me plus you, ima tell you one time, me plus you. Ima tell you one time." He sang.
Maria stood up and put her hands in the air. She looked back down at me sitting. "Stand up!"

I looked around and saw that I was probably the only one still sitting.

I sighed and stood up.

"When I metcha girl my heart went knock knock, now the butterflies in my stomach won’t stop stop. Even though it’s a struggle love is all we got."

When the sound ended everyone burst into another round of screams.

"Thank you Canada. It feels great to be home!" He said smiling out to the audience.

"And commercial people, were out." The announcer said.

"Was that so bad?" Maria said, eyes still on Justin.

"He’s alright." I said looking at Maria then following her gaze to Justin.

He was signing autographs and taking pictures with fans.

"Isn’t he so dreamy?" Maria said.

"Yeah, totally." I said and rolled my eyes,

One of Justin’s dancers came up behind him and whispered in his ear.

Hmmm…Justin was kinda cute.

Then I checked out what he was wearing. A button up shirt with a black shirt underneath.
Blue jeans and way cool skater shoes.

He’s okay…
I snapped out of it when Maria nudged my shoulder. "That Ryan guy is pointing at us." She said.

I smiled at her and pretended to fixed my fedora while a looked over to them.

She was right. Ryan was talking to Justin and they were both looking right at us. They looked like they were both going to walk over before the announcer came back on.

"We’re back in three…two…one."

Justin tore his gaze away us and looked back to the stage.

He ran back on stage were a stool and his guitar were waiting for him.

"Okay I hope y’all know the words to this next song." He said smiling.

He took a seat on the stool and pulled the guitar onto his lap.

His band behind him started playing the music for ‘One Less Lonely Girl’.

The crowd exploded and cheered.

"All right lets go…there’s going to be less lonely girl, one less lonely girl." He sang and started playing his guitar.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was bored and watching Justin Bieber live @ much. So ta-da!