Status: Complete!!

Let It Rain on Us



The concert when on for an hour. He sang most of his songs and was interview a couple of times. Anything Justin said made the girls scream.

I smiled at them and him.

I was kinds sort of starting to like this boy. And I told Maria this.

"What?" She said after I told here when everyone went to commercial.

"I think I’m starting to like him. I mean like like."

"Really? Because I’m starting to have a thing got his best friend. Ryan. He is so cute and is
a great dancer."

I smiled at her.

"So you can have Justin now. I’ve moved on." Maria announced.

I laughed. "Okay, sounds good to me."

We both laughed at our remarks just as the commercial ended.

Justin came out and stood in the middle of the stage, Ryan and his other dancers behind

"Thanks for having me back here and Canada. It was great and you were a awesome audience!" Justin said smiling.

The cameras cut and everyone cheered.

Girls ran up to Justin, asking for an autograph and a picture.

"Shouldn’t we go too?" Maria asked.

I smiled and looked at her. "No, wait till their all gone."

"Won’t he be gone by then?"

"Trust me."

"Okay…" Maria said turning her attention back to the screaming girls.

The fans slowly filed out. Nobody seemed to notice us sitting there the whole time. Justin waved and smiled at the fans before disappearing backstage.

Maria was getting inpatient.

"Can we please go now. Their gone. We’re the only people left."

I sighed. "Just trust me."

She groaned and started playing with her hair.

Soon enough Justin and Ryan came back out. Laughing and talking about their plans for the rest of the night.

"I heard there was a pizza place called Pizza Heaven or something down the street, should we go there?" Justin said.

Ryan shrugged. "Sure. Food is food."

"I don’t recommend going there." I said, speaking up.

Maria widened her eyes and stared at me.

Ryan and Justin jumped and spun around. Eyes locking with mine. His piercing eyes looking into mine made my heart jump.

I kept my cool. "Their pizza isn’t the best."

"Really?" Justin asked.

I nodded.

"What are you guys still doing here anyway?" Ryan asked eyeing Maria.

"We’re waiting for a ride." Maria said smiling at Ryan.

"But my parents don’t get off for another," I looked at my watch. "Three hours and the buses are closed. Plus our houses are twenty miles away."

"That sucks." Ryan said.

Maria and I nodded.

"You could hang out with us…" Justin said.

"I’m sure you don’t want that." Maria said.

"Why not, you haven’t once screamed or asked for my autograph in the whole time we’ve talked to you." Justin said.

"True." I said nodding.

"So will you hang with us? Because it seems like you know the best places around here."

"What do you think Maria?" I asked turning to my best friend.

"I guess we could. We have time to spare."

"Cool, let us grab our jackets and we’ll go." Ryan said.

Maria frowned. "Don’t you guys have to clean this up?"

"Nah, we’ll get someone else to do it." Justin said waving it off.

Maria shrugged and we both stood up.

We followed Justin and Ryan backstage and to their dressing rooms.

Maria and I waited outside the door as they got their jackets.

They we’re back in a flash. "Ready?" Justin asked us.

We both nodded.

He smiled. "This way."

He led us out the back door of the place where a black Lamborghini was waiting.

"How in the world did you get a Lamborghini?" I asked shocked.

"I’m Justin Bieber." He said pulling a pair of keys out of his pocket.

He opened the back door. "M’lady."

He smiled as I laughed and got in.

Ryan got in the front seat after opening the door got Maria. Maria almost had a heart attack and was fighting giggles in the back seat.

"Where too?" Justin asked.

"Out to the main road. Down two blocks and into the town center area. Can’t miss it." I ordered.

Justin pulled away from the curb and drove onto the main road.

"What are your guy’s names by the way?" Ryan asked turning around in his seat to face us.

"I’m Leah and this is Maria." I said.

"Cool, I guess you already know who we are." Justin said keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yeah I think we do."