A World With Little Words

Can't You Control Yourself?

The new kid.

Not only was he that complete opposite of Jimmy, but he shouted the most absurd things I have ever heard. And I'm not saying he just shouted random words for the fun of it, either. I think I might be discovering aliens again.

"Teacher, may I go to the- FUCK! My name's Brain!..uhm..bathroom?"

What? What was this? His name was Johnny! I was Brian! The whole class giggled, but our teacher, Ms. Lynch, shut them up with a stern glare. As soon as Johnny exited the classroom, I raised my hand and waved it around wildly in the air until Ms. Lynch called on me.

"Excuse me, but why did he just address himself as me, ma'am? And I thought we weren't allowed to use curse words without getting in trouble?"

"I thought I discussed this at the beginning of the year..." she said, putting her veined hands on her hips. "He has tourettes, so he can't help anything he says."

For some reason, I wondered why I was put in the different kids classroom. I say different because my mom taught me at a young age that it was impolite and rude to call them retarded, and special was just as bad.

I looked at Jimmy, who just shook his and went back to picking the skin on his fingers. After a few minutes Johnny entered the room again and took his seat.

And what do you know? It turns out that after school, Johnny asked me to be his friend (also spouting some jibberish somewhere in the middle)...along with Jimmy. Jimmy just grunted in what I supposed was approval, so I smiled and said yes. I must be a different kid magnet of some sort.

Since then, the three of us have been inseperable. The kids at school don't like him because they say he's obnoxious and loud, but just like Jimmy, I found out he had an amazing talent...

With the bass.
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Haha sorry, I just had to do that to Johnny!

Feedback? Comments? Both are appreciated and welcome!