A World With Little Words


Finally! Someone normal to talk to!

He talks normal, reacts like a normal person would, it's just so exciting! I'm so happy, infact, that I pass him a note that says 'hey, what's up?'

It is the beginning of eleventh grade, and I'm stoked to be able to make one friend that's at least semi like me. I wait until he scribbles back an answer and hands me the paper..but I look at the words like he's just written in some kind of alien language. This...cannot be..

It says; Hey, I'm Zcak. Waht's up?" I mean, I know what it says..but is his name supposed to be Zack? Because Zcak is so...not a real name.

I try to resist the urge to ask him what the deal is, why he's writing so funky, so I have Matt ask him for me. There's no harm in that, right?

"Dude, he just has dyslexia. Chill out, it's not like he's retarded or anything." No! This can't be happening! Not when I thought I was making progress with a normal kid!

But..I let it go. Zack is also in my guitar class, and at first he is to embarassed to play anything, but I'm able to urge him into playing at least one song. So he does. And let me tell you, I am impressed.

Not only is he left-handed, but he plays like a god. What was it with all my friends being super talented in the music area? From that point on, I dubbed him the new addition to my little group. What harm could that do? Zcak..I mean Zack just had a little writing problem. Nothing to big.

After school, Zack shows me more of his awesome skills. He's also a great designer, which makes me instantly jealous. I draw like a little kid. "So..Zack. You do just have a writing problem, right? That's it?"

"Yup." He says while adding the finishing touches to his giraffe. I like him, I really do. While most of the other students pick on him because he still can't spell everything correctly...I admire him for his left-handed guitar playing.

I think I feel something starting here.
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One chapter to go after this. Last one will be on Brian :3

Comments and feedback let me know how I'm doing!