Stalked by a Mad Man

The Chiltons

When we got there I looked at my phone....6:08...Fuck me! I hurriedly got out of the car and poked my head in the window.
"I'll call you when its all clear. I love you," I said with a smile and i kissed him.
"Ok babe, I love you too," he said and he smiled back. I ran to the front door and knocked on it. Mrs. Chilton answered it.
"Oh you must be Issy," she said. Her blond hair was put back in a tight bun. She was wearing a dark blue, satin, cocktail-designer dress. I nodded my head and she smiled at me and I smiled back. She motioned for me to come in and so I stepped in the door to find three children in their costumes....That probably means I have to take them trick~or~treating....Ugh! There were two boys and one girl. Obviously the girl was the youngest. She had on a pink fairy costume with all the works. She had the tutu and the wand and wings.The boy in the middle was the middle child. He had on a blue power ranger costume. And the oldest was wearing a zombie costume. He looked very irritated.
"Ok kids this is Issy," said Mrs. Chilton, "Now you all behave and mind Issy."
"Yes Mama," said the little girl. She looked at me and grined showing that she was missing her two front teeth. I grinned back. "Hi," she said, "My name is Jessica." I walked up to her and she gave me a big hug. I chuckled and hugged her back.
"Hi Jessica, thank you for the hug. How are you tonight?" I asked with a smile.
"I am good," she said and she looked down blushing a little. I smiled at her and then the little boy in the power ranger suit spoke up.
"Hi," he said in a shy voice. He was looking down at the floor so i couldn't see his eyes. "I-I'm Cole." I smiled at him but he couldn't see it. I stuck my hand out to shake his and he hesitantly took it. He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and I could tell that he already liked me. I looked at the oldest one he was almost as tall as me and he looked almost 14.
"Hi," he said looking at me like I was some freak from outerspace. "I'm Riley."
"Hi," I said and i smiled but he just looked at me. "It's nice to meet you." He just nodded his head and then looked at his dad as he started to speak.
"Ok, now that we are all aquainted we are going to head out. Issy? Would you mind takeing them out trick~or~treating?" Said Mr. Chilton....'Sure' I thought 'Now i gotta spend more fucking time with them'.... It was the first time that I had seen him. He had on a black tux with a red tie. His hair was slicked back and it revealed his unibrow.....'ewww that is gross'..... I smiled and nodded my head while thinking 'Nooooooooooooo'
"Have they already eaten? And where is the emergency contact info?" I asked.
"Yes they have eaten and the info is on the fridge," said Mr. Chilton.
Mrs. Chilton was hugging the kids as Mr. Chilton headed out the door. He held open the door for her and locked. As soon as they did I turned around at looked at them with a big smile.
"Are you guys ready?" I asked with fake enthusiasm. They all smiled (except Riley) and ran for the door yelling "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"
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had to write this stupid chapter 2ice
and to clear it up the girl is 7 the youngest boy is 10 and the oldest is in fact 14