Best Damn Thing

The Oceans Froth

"Stop filming, I'm embarassed!"

I laughed and spun the camera back on him as he tried to wade out into the ocean water, only to be overpowered by a wave that toppled him into the salty liquid. "Relax Coby, you're a gorgeuous thing to look at anyways. There's nothing to be embarassed about."

His head popped back up, black hair plastered to his face. He narrowed his blue eyes and flipped me the bird before going out further. "How about you put the stupid thing down and actually decide to get in the water? What's the fun if I'm going to be out here all by my lonesome?" He accentuated the last word by putting on a face of mock hurt, lips forming a pout.

Rolling my eyes, I set the camera down and flicked the 'off' switch, pulling my purple shirt over my head and tossing it onto my towel. "Sure, since you're only oh so persuasive"

The water was freezing as it lapped against my ankles, only to turn into white foam and recede back into the earths giant tub. Or, that's what Jacoby called it anyways. He always had a way with words, but that was a part of his charm.

Naturally, I was attracted to the exact opposite of me. Someone completely childish and naive, who never ceased to amaze me. And that somebody was Coby. I met him at this very same ocean, but back then he wasn't that great of a swimmer.

Lets just say he happened to be drowning and I was the one that saved him. But despite the fact the water could have claimed his life, he showed no fear the next time we went back. He truly was extravagant.

"Dude, why are you just standing there? You look like a fucking statue or something, it's kinda creeping me out."

I smiled widely, running -if you could call it that- and then diving under the frigid surface until I finally reached my lover. Standing up beside him, I shook the droplets out of my hair. When I finally managed to look at him, he was staring with a lopsided grin, skin reflecting the orange glow of the sun just beyond the horizon.

"Something interest you?" I whispered into his ear, making him shudder as my fingers rested on his hips. His body had this great feel about it that I just couldn't resist. It was soft and silky to the touch, and I always wanted to have my hands on it, whether it be intertwining fingers, making love ( We didn't 'fuck', I just could not bring myself to do anything but be gentle with him. Thank god he liked it like that. ), or just stroking his face.

His gaze dropped down and he pulled me closer by the waist, then peered back up shyly and captured my lips with his own. They were soft, warm, and tender. Everything I wanted in a kiss, he had it. I returned the favor by running my tongue along his bottom lip until he opened his mouth so I could explore it. He moaned softly, eyes slightly closed and nails digging into my flesh, drawing blood. Not that I cared.

He pulled away first, his cheeks tinted with a nice shade of red. "Bri, you're the best damn thing that's ever happened to me. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have this now."

Grinning, I threw him over my shoulder and started heading back to shore. "And I'll be the first to say you are the best thing to happen to me, too. If you weren't drowning, I'd have nobody to bring back to my car right now or to sleep with at night. Trust me, I'd be a sad, sad man."

Coby slapped my shoulder in delight, kicking his feet like he was actually trying to escape. But I knew him better. "You are such a sap, you know that Bri?"

"A sap that saved your life, remember that." I stared up at the moon that now stood high in the clack of the sky, stars twinkling around it like a thousand bright Christmas lights. "I love you, don't forget that either."

Jacoby sighed. This was the first time I had said those words since we met. He took down my gaurd and tore down my walls, and now was the perfect time to say it.

"Cheeseball." he muttered, infectious smirk spreading wider then ever. "I love you too, man."
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Feedback and commeeeents! *starts singing*