Status: Comment! ;)


Chapter 2: The Party

I walk out of school and look up at the greyish-white clouds and think about Jason's party. Is it going to be one of those parties like on TV where everyone gets drunk and does pot? I hope not. But then it could be one of those parties where I'll get recognized for my shirt, or shoes or something. I'll be known as the girl with the cool shirt or nice shoes. I walk in my house and look around for mom, I walk into the kitchen and set my bookbag down on the kitchen chair.

"Hey, sweetie" Mom says with a smile
"Hey, mom... Uh.. Can I go to a party?" I ask, shyly.
"Well.. Where is it?"
"Oh, sure" she says with a trusting smile and turns back around to cook.

I head upstairs to my room, open the door and close it. I look around my room and spot my closet. I walk over to it and open it. There's really nothing "cool" to wear but, it's a party. But I wanna be noticed. I frantically search through my closet for an awesome shirt to wear, I finally come across a sparkly red tank top and black skinny jeans. I feel proud of myself. I walk into the bathroom and change, straighten my hair and put on my make-up. Wow, I'm finally going to get noticed tonight. I feel a sense of a fake happiness inside but, it's better then nothing. I reach for my pants and grab Jason's note out of my pants pocket, shove it back into the pants I'm wearing and throw the old pants in the laundry. I walk downstairs and walk outside. I look around and the greyish skies got darker. I smile to myself and say I'm finally going to be a somebody.

I walk to Jason's house and there's tons of jocks and wanna-be emos outside. The wanna-be's are hanging by the tree, smoking weed. The smell of it makes me sick. I walk into the party. Yeah, it's one of those "drunk teenager" parties. I look to the left of me to the kitchen and see some girl with a black skirt puking in the trash can. I look straight ahead again and squeeze by people making out in the hallways into the living room. The living room was blasting the latest rap song while the girls grind onto the boys and the boys grab their boobs. I sit in the corner. Not because I want to be ignored, I just don't know what to do or where to start. I see Jason nod to me and smile. I nod back. What does that mean? I don't care, I got noticed.

"Hey, you showed. I thought I wasn't gonna see you." Jason said after he took a sip from a red plastic cup.
"Well.. I'm not busy so why not?" I said, looking around.
"Grab a drink, make yourself at home." He smiled then turned back to Sarah.

Sarah looked like a total slut. She has black eyeshadow all over her eyes that she looked more like a raccoon then a plastic, she's wearing a black tube top and short shorts. Her boobs are all over the place, no wonder why Jason's all over her. I turn back to everyone dancing and I see a girl puke on the floor and pass out. I laugh silently. I look back at Jason and Sarah and their gone. I get up and walk to the stairs and see a bedroom door shut. I walk upstairs and stand next to the door and listen.

"Come on, I have a condom, let's do it"
"No, Jason, no"
"Aww, babe, please? For me?"
"Jason no!"

I hear a slamming on the wall... What's going on?
I hear Sarah screaming "get off of me!"
The zipper goes down.
Sarah's still screaming.
I walk back downstairs, should I walk in and save her? Should I let Jason do this? I walk to the front door to get some air. Sarah comes running downstairs with her shorts off and she bumps into me and falls onto the grass. I can hear she's crying, I can hear the fear in her cries. I jump down to help her up, I fix her shirt and look into her eyes and see the fear, the horror. Her mascara is running down her cheeks. I hear everyone laughing in the background and Jason cursing. Everything suddenly is a blur... I can only see Sarah, and her running makeup. Back to reality, I help Sarah out of there and to my house. I walk inside with her, Mom's not home; she;s out with her friends. Thank God. I take Sarah to my room and hand her a fresh pair of pajamas.
Sarah, speechlessly takes them and walks into my bathroom. I sit on my bed and think of what happened in the 30 minutes I was at the party. What did I get myself into?