The Faery Way


I had never expected to see it once in my life let alone twice. After all, it was just a story that we told each other as little girl’s. Something that was could dream about. Something that we could speak of in hushed whispers at night. It was the Faery Path. We could never spell fairy correctly, but to us, it looked just right. We were going to find it and have our greatest adventure of all there. Monica was always more serious about it than I was though. To me, it was always just a joke. A fun little story to tell when we were too tired to go to sleep or to hyped up on sugar to do anything but bounce in the silence of our room. In the end though, it wasn’t Monica who found it. She never saw it. Only me. Only me and I’ll never understand why.

I was twelve years old. The woods behind my grandparent’s house in Michigan were full of leaves of every color and hue. I was exhilarated. It was Thanksgiving and I didn’t have a care in the world. My cousins and I, including Monica, were playing hide-and-seek. I had wandered farther than I was supposed to, but the boys always cheated, so I figured for once, I would too. That’s when I saw it, a staircase in the trees. It was the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen. All I wanted to do was go to it. I worried my bottom lip as I slowly walked forward. I stopped at the foot of the steps, hesitating a moment as fear and doubt crept into my mind. A soft voice beckoned me.

I didn’t hesitate a moment longer. My feet carried me up the path. The sounds of my family faded away. Those weren’t important. The only thing that mattered was what was right in front of me: the expectation, the thrill that ran throughout my entire being. I took a deep breath with every step that my foot landed on. Then I was at the top and the world changed. I felt a pain in my chest, one that might have made me try to run away if it wasn’t for the gentle hand that brushed my cheek. I looked up and saw the most beautiful creature that I could ever have dared to dream to encounter in my life. “You don’t have to be afraid,” he promised gently. “You are so young, so beautiful. Full of promise and life. Now is not the time though. It is so clear that you want to come, but I am afraid I must ask you to wait. Wait and come back. Will you promise?”

I nodded, dumbfounded that this beautiful creature could want me. I said the promise aloud and then the world went black. I woke up with my cousin leaning over me poking me. I told Monica about the path. I even tried to show her the way. There was nothing though. I couldn’t find it no matter which way I looked. She thought it was a cruel joke on my part. She never forgave me and she stopped believing. It’s been ten years though. Ten years since that day and now here it is before me again. I can almost hear my boyfriend Cale calling my name, but there is another voice and a stronger urge. I look up and there he stands once again. Waiting for me, his hand held out in invitation. I consider looking back, but then he reminds me.

I promised.

I take his hand. There is a pain in my chest. A rip and an ache. The only soothing is his hand as it rubs up and down my back. I can breathe steadier for it. I rest my head against the hard, fragrant expanse of the creature’s chest. “You’re home,” he whispers. He’s right, I am home.