Status: It's all finished.

Silent Screams

Before It Begins

Before this all happened, I was what you called the rebellious type.
Well at least to people who judged.
Most parents looked at me like I was a monster.

I didn't mind, I was a carefree fifteen year old.
All I could care about was the music that was on my iPod and trying
to get him to notice me.
No I wasn't those types of teenagers who were trying to make the grade.
I didn't have to try. Freshman year was a piece of cake.

I spent most of my time writing music, checking out the lastest music,
going to concerts and getting wasted with friends.
I was living my life, how I wanted it to be, and no one was gonna stop me.

But all of that would change in a matter of months.
I don't know how it happened, if I did; I would tell you.
I'd be alive right now.

Most people don't know what's going on until it's too late, and I hate to say
I was one of those people. I couldn't stop it even if I tried.
He had full control over me. He wanted me to feel this way, and he'd do
anything possible to make sure I was like this.

I'm warning you.. you better be ready.
Because this is one hell of a ride. You're going to realize why I am buried
in the dirt right now, and never coming back.

This is my life.. Welcome.