Status: It's all finished.

Silent Screams


We laid there, on his love seat.
He was on top of me, looking at me with his eyes.
There was pleasure in them, there was happiness.
But I didn't realize there was no 'love'.

He looked at me, brushing my cheeks with his fingers.
He kissed me all over, my neck, my forehead, my chest.
He held a smirk on his face all night.

We laid there in silence, just staring at eachother.
Our naked bodies touching every part of our skin.
The heat of his body, keeping me warm and protected.
It was nice, it was special.

"I love you so much Lyric. You amazing." He finally broke
the silence.

I looked up at him in shock, that was the first time he
ever really said that to me.

I blushed, "I love you too Justin.." I kissed him some more.

Our kisses were amazing that night. We didn't stop at all.
We would take a breath, then go right back to kissing.
There was something there, I could feel it.
I little spark everytime we kissed.

I can't even describe how much I loved it, and how it felt.
I was inlove. That was for damn sure.

"You are my everything babe, and I swear to god I will
never let you go. We will be together forever." He said
in between our kisses.

I fucking hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

"I swear to god, I'm going to miss you so much." He took
a pause, "What are you thinking about baby?"

He moved me a little, so I was on top and looking at him.
I took awhile to respond. My thoughts were rushing through
my mind. I didn't really want to talk, but I had to say something.

"Uhm.. Justin.. I just don't want to get hurt. I've been hurt, but
I know with this relationship, it will hurt the most. I don't
ever want to lose you." I finally spoke up.

He looked at me, his face showing he was thinking about something.
"I would never ever hurt you. I'm telling you if anything were
to happen, I know I would be just as hurt as you."

I thought over what he said, "I wasn't expecting to do that..."

"It's ohkay babe.. Just as long as I didn't do anything you didn't want
me to and hurt you." He said kissing my cheek.

"No you're find. I was comfortable enough to do that.. It didn't hurt
at all. I liked it.. alot actually."

"But you're still scared about getting hurt?" He questioned slowly.

"No.. I mean I'm always going to be paranoid about that. But I trust
what you.. with everything. I love you." I smiled and kissed him.

"I love you too. You're beautiful Lyric.. You are unlike any other girl
I have ever met. You are the best.. I mean it." He smiled.

I blushed and put my head on his chest, thinking about how
happy I was to be in his arms and to have lost it with him.

Boy was I wrong.

"Babe, I think we should get dressed. I don't want my parents
walking in on us. That could turn out bad." He said slowing
pushing me up.

I stood up and picked up my clothes off the ground, and walked
to the bathroom.
I stared in the mirror; I looked myself over.

I felt like a different person. Something was missing from me.
I felt older, I felt like a whole new person. Thoughts were
spinning through my head, but the one the raced around the
most was; I loved Justin

I wasn't older.

I was a confused little teenager.
I was the 15 year old girl, He was the guy to say "I love you."

And I was emotionally fucked.