Status: It's all finished.

Silent Screams


Have you ever been asked a question, that
you thought that was totally ridiculous, and asked
the person how the hell did they come up with that?

Yeah I should've really paid attention to that question

"Do you ever think Justin would ever hurt you?" Lake
asked me one night when she was sleeping over.

I laid there in my bed, in silence. Thinking the question
over, and really trying to come up with a decent answer.

"What kind of hurt?" I asked, trying to make the question
more understandable.

Lake took in a deep breath and with a sigh she said,
"Well Lyric, I just get this really weird feeling with Justin.
I mean, he's nice and everything. I'm super happy for you,
don't get me wrong. It's just.. I don't know how to explain it."

I turned over, and looked at her, "But what do you mean
hurt me? Like as in physically or like mentally?"

She laid there in silence, when she finally spoke, she
stuttered, "Physically hurt you." She looked at me with
a face I had never seen on her face.

I took in a long deep breath and looked away from her.
I had to think this over.

Justin, I have known for at least 4 months, and the only
thing I know he would do was beat a GUYS ass.
Not a girl's, especially his girlfriend.
It seemed impossible.

But there this little feeling in the pit of my stomach.
It was indefinable at that the time.

Funny how this little things didn't mean so much until..

"Honestly, No.. I don't think he would ever hurt me. I couldn't
see him hit me." I answered finally.

She took a second to reply, "You know he's Bi-polar, right?"

"He's mention it before, but I didn't really want to believe it.
If he hurts me.. It's done. It's Over. There is no way in hell
I would stay with someone like that." I spoke.

I was lying
♠ ♠ ♠
Short but this is a VERY important chapter -Hint hint-