Status: It's all finished.

Silent Screams


I hate this. I should've done something..

It was during lunch hour, I was walking in the hallway
because I decided to skip. I was on the second floor
where I heard some people talking in behind me.

I turned around and it was Zane, Justin's worst enemy.
The dude he fucking hated. He was walking around with
one of his buddies when he noticed me.

"Hey, Lyric. I haven't talked to you in awhile." He smiled
walking up towards me.

I looked around me and then answered, "Yeah I know..
Justin made it pretty clear me and you couldn't talk."

"Justin Benders? Fuck him. Don't tell me that your the new
chick he's dating." He looked at me.

"I'm.. sorry." I held my book close to my chest, I was feeling
extremely uncomfortable.

"What kind of lies did he tell you this time?" Zane's buddy
asked me.

"He doesn't lie to me.. he tells me the truth.." I carefully announced.

or so I thought.

"Ha! Justin telling the truth. Bullshit." Zane laughed, "Watch yourself
Lyric. I don't want that jackass hurting you. Or I'll kick his ass."

"He won't do anything to me.." I said slowly.

"Don't be so sure Lyric. I think if I was you, I'd dump his ass. I care about
you Lyric.. remember? I love you." Zane said with a smile.

Like I haven't heard that one before, and coming from Zane. That was a
big LOL.
I thought in my head.

"Thanks.. But I don't think he will. It's time for me to go." I said with an attitude.

"Be careful!" Zane yelled at me as I walked away.

I could feel myself getting uneasy, and the thoughts were spinning in my
head like crazy.
I had to talk to Justin. Right away.

I was getting paranoid, very very paranoid.
There had been more than one person telling me something about him.
I wasn't sure who to trust, or who to listen to.

I waited by Justin's locker, since he had Study Hall next hour, and we
could both be able to skip that class. Hopefully talk.
The period bell rang, signaling that 5th hour was over, and the halls
slowly grew with people.

Justin walked up to his locker, holding a piece a paper in his hand.
As soon as he saw me, he quickly put the paper into his pocket.

"Hey baby, Wanna skip or something?" He asked me slowly wrapping
his arms around me and pulled me close to his chest.

I took in a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah I do.." She tried to smile,
hoping he wouldn't notice anything was wrong.

"Alright cool, let's go down to the stair by the back doors. So then we
won't get caught." He said grabbing my hand and leading me to the
stairs. I walked next to him, clutching on to his hand.

God.. My thoughts were so right.

We reached the stairs, and sat underneath them, so we weren't
noticeable from the hallway or the doors.
He patted his lap, and walked over to him and sat down.

"So baby tell me what's wrong."

If only you could hear the thoughts in my head..
Then you'd understand