Status: It's all finished.

Silent Screams

The Real You

He sat there in silence, as I said everything that
exited through my mouth. I really couldn't read
what he was thinking by the way his face looked like.
I looked down, and messed around with my hands.

Trying not to make eye contact with a building up monster.
"I'm afraid Justin... I just don't know what to think.. I don't
want to be some other girl.. or just another punching bag."
I whispered.

He didn't move. He sat there in silence.
I wanted to him to say something, to speak

After I finished with what I needed to say, there was a long
moment of complete nothing. The quietness was starting
to become the only thing that would make a sound.
The sound of silence was driving me crazy.

"Fuck Zane." He stated, staring at me. His hands rolled up
to a fist and his whole upper body tensed up.

I slowly pushed myself up, I knew something was going to
happen, as soon as I was half up; Justin jerked me off
his lap. His eyes burning with fire.

This was not good.

"Your gonna go off fuckin' believein' that stupid fuck up?" He
screamed at me, all up in my face.

I slid down the wall to the floor, moving my arms in front of my
face in self defense.

"No.." I choked out in fear.

"You better not. I swear to god, he's a jacked up liar! Don't ever
fucking question our relationship again! Don't fucking bitch
either, you know how I feel about that stupid goddamn stuff."

The tears were starting to build up in my eyes.

He was yelling at me.. yelling at me.. for just wanting to
fucking talk! What the hell was his problem?
Did I say something wrong? Did I choose a wrong time to
talk to him about this kind of stuff.

There was no longer silence, there was yelling.
Yelling that seemed to always echo in my ears. No matter
where I was at, there was always someone yelling.. at me.

"You fucking lucky to be with me! Any girl would like to be with
me right, but no I chose your ass!" He yelled getting up into my
face, "So don't fuck up your chance." He pointed his finger at me.

I didn't know what to do. Tears were running out of my eyes.
I was trying to catch my breath, I stayed against the wall.
I didn't move, he kept looking at me.

Then he slowly moved away from, and went to the other side
of the room and put his head into his hands. He took in a
deep breath and started rocking back in forth.

I sat there watching him, he was blurry because of the tears
in my eyes. I finally relaxed and moved towards him.

"Justin.. I'm sorry..." I said keeping my space away from him.
He turned his head at me and looked into my eyes.

"Whatever you do Lyric, don't listen to me when I'm pissed off.
I say shit I don't mean to say or that's it's not true." He whispered.

Apparently, at the time, it wasn't true;

But now, it was.