Status: It's all finished.

Silent Screams

Home Sweet Home?

I walked home that day, trying to recover from the
whole fight Justin and I had earlier that day.
I walked slowly, stepping over every crack in the
sidewalk, a little childish thing I did.

The weather was changing, it was finally starting
to turn into winter, the leaves were all over the
ground, only now they weren't bright colors.

I let the wind push me along the side walk, and
move me all around. I danced to the music that
was flowing through my ears.

I made my way to my house pausing at the door,
i took out a ear phone and could hear my parents
screaming at eachother through the walls.

I pushed the door open with a sigh and took off my
shoes, and trying to tip-toe my way upstairs.

"Where the hell have you been?" My dad
yelled at me, speeding towards the stairs and
getting up all in my face.

"I walked home.." I whispered moving my head
so his breath wouldn't be hitting my face. The
smell of booze and chips.

"You walked home? You dumbass." He said
pushing me up against the wall.

Twice in one day.. Wow, i feel accomplished.

"What's wrong with that?" I said slowly.

"There's a shit load of things you do that makes
it wrong." He said smiling his usual evil grin.

"Was that that suppose to hurt me?" I asked.

"No but this is." He lifted up his hand and smacked
me across the face.

I winced at the pain and covered my cheek with my hand.

"You are a fucking disappointment! You screwed me and
your mother's life. Go somewhere else. You don't belong
here. You fuck up." He yelled at me.

I am one, He wasn't the only one to notice.