Status: It's all finished.

Silent Screams

Oh Shit.

I walked out of our local coffee shop,
the hot cup resting in my hand, holding it tightly.
The leaves were finally off all the trees.
The brutal cold air finally entered and took
over the warm air from the summer.
It was winter.

Little snow flakes flew through the sky, falling
out of the grey clouds over head.
I opened the door and the cold are whooshed
around me in complete seconds.

I zipped up my jacket over my mouth to keep
me as warm as I could possibly get.
I started walking down to where Lake sat in
her car, blasting the music.

I opened up her door, and got buckled.
I handed her the hot cup of coffee, and sat there.
Waiting for her to pull out of the parking space.

She took a sip, then sat the cup into a cup holder.
She slowly put the car in reverse.
We got out of the parking space and started down
the road.
I kept my eyes out the window, watching everything
pass by me.

We slowed down at stopped at a red light.
With my eyes still peering out the window I saw something
that broke my heart..








As soon as there lips touched, tears fell from my eyes.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" I screamed, hitting the window.

Lake jumped and looked at what I was staring at, and patting
my shoulder trying to calm me down.
"Baby, what's... no he fucking didn't." She turned into the closet
parking lot and found a place to park.

I sat there in the seat watching Justin and that stupid whore
swop spit for more than five minutes. Watching his hand go
in places that it shouldn't be. Watching them do this stuff on
a fucking street corner.

Lake got out of the car.
And let me sit there, let the images take over my head.

Fuck you Justin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for taking so long to update this.
Just been very busy lately.
Well i hope you enjoy.
If its not very good, im sorry. I needed to update this.

This story is almost over D:

Make sure to comment.

xoxo Emylee.