Status: It's all finished.

Silent Screams

A New Start?

I awoke on an August day to my parent's fighting.
"Yeah, this was going to be a regular day for me" I thought to myself.
I sat up, and looked at the time; 12:30. I rubbed my eyes, and pulled
the covers off of me. I had to give myself some motivation to get up
off the bed. I stood up, balanced myself out then looked into my
full body mirror.

Short Brown hair with a pink strip, baby blue eyes that literally seemed
to be a distraction to people who stared into them, a soft face. I had
nose piercing, which was all mess up and a monroe piercing.

"Mom is right.. maybe I should be a model." I said to myself in a whisper.

I was tall and skinny, I had flawless skin and perfect teeth.
My friends called me a emo goddess. Which I didn't mind so much, but I
hate using the term "emo". Alot of the girls in my school - even the girly
ones said that they worshipped my beauty. HA! Fuck that.
I didn't see anything, but everyone else did.

I remember my older sister Zoe telling me when I was about 13 years old
saying I was blinded by the ice in my eyes. I asked her what she meant.

"What I mean Lyric is well, duh you have blue eyes, and you can only see
the basic of things. You can't see the details of certain stuff."

I never got what she meant. To this day I still don't see what she meant.
I wish I could've asked her before I left, but I think I would still get an unclear
explaination. With Zoe everything seemed mysterious, I looked up to her
for that. It fasinated me that she could do that with things.

I turned away to the mirror, and walked out to the hallway.
My parents sounded like they were right next to me by the way they were
screamings. I sighed then walked into the bathroom, immadietly locking the
door - my attempt to blocking out all the yelling.

I got myself ready for the summer's day. Took a shower, brushed my hair and
teeth, did my hair and my make up. I did my normal everyday routine.
I walked out of the bathroom back to my room, now things were quiet downstairs.

"Mom must've left." I thought. I looked through my closet and picked out some
light blue skinny jeans, threw one of my vintage droopy shrits, and a black vest.
I pulled on my vans and threw my dirty clothes into the hamper.

I got a call, it was my bestfriend Lake.

"Lyric, I'm coming to pick you up. We're going to the record store. I hear he's working
there. It's his new summer job! Be there in a few - get ready!"
She hung up before I could even say hello.

I could feel the butterflies in my tummy starting to flutter around. I sat on my bed and
waited for that doorbell to ring.