Status: It's all finished.

Silent Screams

I Wish I Could Take It Back

I sat on the hood of his car just staring at him in shock.
He stared into my eyes and smiled, "You look extremely beautiful."
Grabbed the half eaten ice cream out of my hand and it tossed
into the near by trash can.
I looked down, I could feel my cheeks burning red.

He called me beautiful..

He put his hand under my chin and lifted it up, so my dazed eyes
looked into his. He smiled moving my hair out of the way.
"You know Lyric.. you're like no other girl I have ever met."
He looked down, moving his hair out of his eyes.

Kiss me. Just fucking kiss me

I looked at him, trying to put my thoughts together.
"I.. I'm.. speechless. You don't.. know how badly I wanted to hear
that.." I said sounding hoarse.

Did I just say that?!

It was starting to get a chilly as the sun began to set. But we didn't
move; we sat there looking into eachother's eyes.
If I could, I wish that's where I was right now.
I wish I could live in that moment forever.

He slowly pulled me closer, and laid down onto the car. Looking up
into the evening ski. He held me, I put my head on his chest and
could hear his heart beating - as fast as mine.

Please will you just kiss me..

He sighed, "I'm really glad I met you this summer. You are amazing."
I blushed again, putting my face into his chest. He laughed a little
and started rubbing my back, "You know.. I was kind of hoping.."
He took in a deep breath, "You'd be my girlfriend."

I was in shock. Did he really just say that?
Was I dreaming? I tried pinching myself. Sure as hell wasn't a
dream. I looked up at him in astonishment.
"Are you being serious?" I said slowly.

He looked at me, "Why would I lie? I'm being dead serious with
you Lyric. But if.."

I cut him off, "Yes. I would love to be your girlfriend Justin."

Oh god.. what did I get myself into..

My heart was beating like crazy, I felt like I was going to pass out
as reality started to set in. I am now Justin Benders girlfriend.

Lyric Benders.. Oh Mrs. Lyric Benders.

I know I know, cheesy. But whatever that's what I was thinking.

He looked at me, "You honestly don't know how happy I am."
He got himself into a sitting potion, and helped me sit up.
Justin took my hand and looked at me.
"I want this to last."

As I looked in his eyes, there was a little shimmer in them.
They were happy, probably how mine was.
I was in a daze. I couldn't get myself to say what I needed to
say, what I wanted to say - so I just smiled.

He kept staring at me and smiled back, "I hope you feel the
same as I do." He still held my hand.

I got my thoughts into order, "Oh trust me Justin, I think I feel
way more than you." I blushed.

He laughed and paused looking at me for a second.
Then checking his phone, he glanced down then grabbed his
keys, "I think I should take you home. I don't want your parents
to flip shit." He got off the hood of his car. Then helped me off
of there.

We got into his car.

Holy shit. I have a story to tell Lake.


He pulled up into my drive way, turned the car off but sat there.
I could tell that he didn't want to let me go home; I didn't either.

"So uhm.. tomorrow do you want me to take you to school?" He
asked playing with his hands nervously.

I looked at the front window - the tv was on.. Dad home. Shit.
"Uhm, Sure that's fine. Just as long if its okay for me to go home
with Lake. She will get upset if I don't." I looked over at him.

He was looking at the front window, "Yeah that's fine. I have football
practice anyways. I just want to be able to see you for more than 5
minutes tomorrow." He turned to me.

"I understand, I want to too." I smiled.

"Haha okay good. I'm glad. Well I guess this is goodnight."
He looked back at me.

We looked at eachother for a moment.
Then.. we.. Kissed.

His lips were soft. I didn't want mine to leave his.
I wanted a thousand more kisses after leaning back.
I wanted to turn back, and just kiss him for hours.

I wanted us to be the only ones to ever kiss eachother again.