Status: 1-8-11--- I come on to this story story page and think, "Wow. This sucks." I think I'm going to either edit it or redo it (layout, chapters, summary, EVERYTHING). Thank you to everyone that is still subscibed.

Love Is Complicated

Meeting Kat

David's POV

"Matt?" I heard a voice say. Err, I'm so tired. So I just keep my eyes closed and continue to sleep.

"Matt?' I think that noise is James trying to wake me up. Oh yeah, he's taking me to school today. Man, he probably has Abbie waiting in the car.

"Matt!" Who Knows when she'll be up here. She's very impatient. I'm surprised she's not up here yet.

"What's taken so long?" There she is.

"Well, stupid Matt over here won't get the fuck up. I bet he's been up for a while and just won't get up."

"Well, that's because you're trying to wake him up all wrong. See look, MATT!!!! GET YOUR LAZY ASS OUT OF BED!!!!!!!!!!"

"Wait what!" I yelled in shock as a sprang up from my bed. I heard giggling and looked up at James and Abbie but it wasn't them. Then I looked at the doorway and saw her. Just the look of her made my heart skip a beat.

Then she spoke, "I'm (giggle) sorry," long pause for giggles. "It just, Abbie's really funny. I'm Kat by the way."

"Hi," was all I could say.

Then stupid James just had to interrupt and say, "Ooookaaay, how about we tell you about each other later, like in the car. But right now, Matt, you need to get your lazy fucking ass out of your stupid bed and get dressed or we're going to be late to school."

“Fine." Then I got up grabbed some clothes went into the bathroom and a bought 2 minutes later came out and was ready to go. I really wanted to know more about Kat. When I saw her, she was small, had long black hair with a little bit of layers, full lips, and big dark eyes which I love. She was perfect.

WAIT! What am I thinking. I don't like girls. Girls like me. Plus I just met this girl, I know nothing about her. For all I know, she drinks, does drugs, and has sex with every guy she meets. She could be the person my parents think I am.

But she's hanging out with James and Abbie. They don't like people like that. We all don't. They don't like us either. So she can't be like that.

I wonder why she's here and in my apartment. I don't even know her and she's here. All I really know is that her name is Kat. But I want to find out more.

"Dude, are you going to answer my question or not?" I heard James ask.

"Huh?" I honestly hadn't heard what he said.

"You need to stop spacing. Next time I'm just going to slap you." He said. "The question was, are you coming. Abbie and Kat got tired of you just standing there and went down to the car. I bet there down there right now trying to figure out why you were staring at Kat."

"I wasn't staring." Oh my god, I really hope I wasn't staring. That would make her think I was a freak.

Err, this girl is messing with my head. I don't like her and don't care what she think about me.

"Dude, you were definitely staring. I've never seen you stare at a girl like that. There goes my theory that your gay," James said.

"Why would you think I was gay?"

"You never go out with girls. But all the girls come on to you, even Claire."

Ugh, Claire. "Ugh, Claire." AKA, the class slut. Name a "hot" guy and she's at least tried to sleep with them.

"I get why you don't want to date her, but I don't get why you don't think she's hot. You have to admit she's hot."

"She's is not hot!" I said.

Then I saw Kat in the doorway and in 1 big breath she said, "Hey guys, Abbs is driving me crazy. So can you please hurry up. Because I am 1 minute away from pushing her out of the car and driving away." Then she took a exhale.

Once she was done James said, "But you can't do that because you don't have," but he was cut off by Kat.

"JAMES!!!! Shut up! We're not alone here," she screamed. Then she looked at me and said, "Sorry, it's just. Uh, I mean. Ummm."

"It's okay if you don't have a license. A lot of 17 year olds don't have their licenses yet," I said.

Then she said, "Yeah, umm, thanks. We should probably go now. You know, so we're not late for school. My mom definitely wouldn't be happy if on my first day of school here I was late and got sent to the office."

So we all made our way to the car and in the car we all found an annoyed Abbie sitting in the drivers seat.

James went over to the drivers side and said, "Get out, I'm driving."

All she had to say was, "What took so long? I've been waiting in the car for 20 minutes. I'm bored out of my brain."

So, James repeated himself, "I said, get out, I'm driving."

"You made me wait for forever, the least you could do is let me drive." She said

Then Kat said, "Just let her drive James. I really don't want to be late."

"You just want her to drive so you can sit shot-gun." James said.

"Well,," she said. This made me laugh.

Kat heard my laugh and said, "What's it to you?"

So I said, "Nothin, you're just funny." I can't believe I just said that. God, I'm such an idiot.

"Well, that's doesn't make things awkward at all," She said.

Then retarded Abbie just had to interrupt like her stupid brother and said, "Will you bitches just get in the car."

James slipped into the passengers seat as Kat opened the door and once he was in the car he said, "Snooze you lose."

I Think I heard Kat mumble, "Son of a b----." She didn't even finish saying the last word, I wonder why.

So Katie and I sat in the back while James sat shot-gun and Abbie drives. I'm sitting in the back with Katie, this is my chance to get to know her better. What should I say though, "Hi, I'm David Mathews, but you can call me Matt. So, what's your life story?" No, I don't think so. Maybe she'll say something first. That would be sweet.


Okay, I'm getting tired of this.

Then Kat broke the silence and said, "Okay, this silence is driving me crazy. Please, somebody say something."

Right as I was going to say something, Abbie said, "No need, we're here."
♠ ♠ ♠

Okay, I'm going to tell you what I say on the the first chapter of my stories...

I just started a different story, so I shouldn't be starting this story. But I've already started this story in my drafts. In my drafts, I have about 8 or 9 stories. When I get a idea, I type it. So really all I'm doing, is bringing my ideas out and published.

With that said, updates will be slow, but I will update. I will focus on mainly one story at a time. That story will be the one with the largest average in readers, subscribers, comments, and stars.

For right now, I'm just working on getting my ideas published.
