Status: 1-8-11--- I come on to this story story page and think, "Wow. This sucks." I think I'm going to either edit it or redo it (layout, chapters, summary, EVERYTHING). Thank you to everyone that is still subscibed.

Love Is Complicated


David's POV

As we entered the school building Kat left to go get her schedule and Abbie, James, and I went to our homeroom classes.

When I entered my homeroom class every girls head turned. Ugh. I don't know why but girls think I'm "hot" and guys think I'm, ah, well, I don't like to think of what they think of me. Yeah, it's that bad. Well here's to another horrible day of school.


Kat's POV

It took me forever to find the office, which is petty sad considering this is a really small school. Anyway, once I found the office, I went up to the secretary and she asked, "How may I help you?" Wow, how original (hint sarcasm).

"Um, I'm here to pick up my schedule. My name is Kat Smith."

"Full name," she told me.

"Oh, Kaitlin Rose Smith."

She pulled out a paper and said, "Here you go."


I looked at the paper and it said-

HOMEROOM__MR. FINCETT__320__8:05am-8:50am

PERIOD1__ART__MS. LONG__353__8:55am-9:40am

PERIOD2__COMPUTERS__MR. RICHARDSON__351__9:45am-10:30am

PERIOD3__MATH__MR. CALE__299__10:35am-11:20am

PERIOD4__LANGUAGE ARTS__MS.KOOPER__277__11:25am-12:10pm


PERIOD6__SCIENCE__MRS. LINCER__157__12:55pm-1:40pm

PERIOD7__SOCIAL STUDIES__MR.TURNER__135__1:45pm-2:30pm

It looks like a good schedule.

It took me about 15 minutes to find homeroom, it was on the 3rd floor. When I walked in every head turned my way. It was kind of creepy. I did recognize 1 of the heads though, Matt.

I smiled at him and he smirked back, so I rolled my eyes and made my way to the teacher.

I looked at my schedule to see the teachers name, Mr. Fincett. When I looked up I saw Mr. Fincett looking at me. He asked, "May I help you?"

"Oh, umm, I'm new here and on my schedule this room is listed as my homeroom."

"Let me see," he said in a 'no way is this girl in my class' kind of way. I let him see my schedule, but it made me kind of mad that he said he wanted to see it in that kind of tone. It made me think I wasn't wanted. This class is kind of full though, so I can see were he's coming from.

He handed me back my schedule and said, "I guess you are in this class. Well, find a seat and try to be on time from now on."


I saw only 2 empty seats. One next to Matt and the other next to a girl with a cheer leading outfit on her body, but her face looked like it wanted to be to be emo. I think I'll go with the seat next to Matt. When I sat down every girl in the class took an inhale. I don't get it.


David's POV

I can't believe Kat's in my homeroom and she just took a seat next to me. Well I don't blame her for sitting next to me, her only other chose was to sit next to Blondie (AKA Claire). Kat just had to see Claire and already knows not to sit next to her, smart girl.

I looked over at Kat and she's looking at her schedule with a frustrated look on her face. I laughed as she sighed from frustration.

She had heard my laugh and looked over at me and said, "What's so funny?"

"Nothin, just the frustrated look on your face."

"Well, uh........, ugh. That's not very nice."

"I never said I was nice did I?"

"I guess not," she barely even whispered.

"What are you so frustrated about anyway?" I asked.

"It's this schedule. I don't know how I'm going to get to all my classes on time."

"Can I see it?" I asked.

"Sure," she answered.

"Damn," I said.

"What? What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh, no. Nothing's wrong."

"THEN WHY DID YOU SAY DAMN?" She whisper yelled. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Oh, uh, I meant 'damn' by damn I'm in most of these classes and if I'm not in them I'm right next door to them."

"Damn," was all she could say. "How many is most?"

"4 out of 6, plus lunch and homeroom. So I guess 6 out of 8."

"Damn again. Which ones are you in?"

"Homeroom, duh, math, reading, lunch, science, and social studies. I'm not in your art or computer classes though and those are your next 2 classes. I have those switched. On the bright side, those classrooms are right next door to each other, so we'll be walking the same way and I can make sure you don't get lost."



"And there's the bell." I say. "You comin?"

"Yeah, of course."
♠ ♠ ♠
In my opinion, not as good as the first.

Let me tell you something, I have the first 6 chapter done.

I WILL NOT post the next chapter until I get feedback. It doesn't take that long to write a comment, so I won't post the third chapter until I get at least 3 comments.
