Status: 1-8-11--- I come on to this story story page and think, "Wow. This sucks." I think I'm going to either edit it or redo it (layout, chapters, summary, EVERYTHING). Thank you to everyone that is still subscibed.

Love Is Complicated

Becoming Closer

David's POV

As I walk Kat to her art class I ask her, "So, what do think of Northwest High so far?"

"I think every girl here is psycho, they keep staring daggers at me."

I laughed and said, "Well, have you seen who you're walking with?"

"Cocky, are we?"

"Not if you back me up," I said. Hmm, I think I'm going to make the girls in this school very mad. "Do you want to make the the girls in this school really mad? I'm serious, we could make piratically every girl in this school hate you. So what do you think?"

"Will Abbie hate me?" She asked warily.

"No, she'll probably laugh when she hears the truth," I say with a laugh of my own.

"Then hell yeah. I love making bitches hate me," she said, and as soon as I got the okay, I crashed my lips to hers. I could hears the gasps around us and I could feel the daggers that Kat was getting. I think there was even a few guys sending daggers at me. But how could I blame them? Kat was really cute and damn was she a good kisser.

I think it's been about 2 minutes and the bell's about to ring. We pull apart and I look down at her and whisper, "You are definitely the #1 enemy of basically the entire girl student body at this school."

"Oh, joy," she said in I think a sarcastic tone. "I'm serious, I love being hated."

"You are probably one of the weirdest girls I have every met. But in a good way," I said. "Oh,
you know that girl in homeroom that was your other choice of sitting next?" She nodded.

"Okay, well, you might want to stay away from her. She, well I don't want to sound too cocky, but she has a major crush on me, and she knows some big football players. So, when you're around her, just, be careful, okay?" I asked and she nodded again. And with that, the bell rang.

Right before we went to our separate classes she said, "Thanks, you know, for looking out for me." Then she smiled and that made me smile.

Wow, Kat, she's just, it's just that she makes me feel like, I don't know. She leaves me speechless.


Claire's POV

I was sitting in my math class, not listening to the teacher of course. Hello, it's math, even if I did listen I wouldn't know what my homework was asking. That is, if actually did my own homework. I just pay some nerd to do it. That was one of the perks of having rich parents.

I felt a vibration in my pocket and secretly get out my phone and see I have a new message from Carrie.

It said:

did u hear wat happened between matt and the new grl?

Hmm, I wonder what she's talking about.

So I answered:

no, wat'd he do 2 her? was it bad?

if u consider making out in the middle of the hallway bad, then ya. he did her somthin really bad 2 her.


Her response: make sur ur ears aren't shooting fire that mite make the teachr a little suspicious. an i saw this with my own eyes.

Me: ok, i officially HATE the new girl, whatever her name is. wat's her name?

Her: i think her name is kat.

Me: kat. so dead. g2g. c u at lunch! :l

And for the rest of the class I planned on ways of ruining Kat's high school life. At lunch, she is so going down.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I lied. In the last chapter I said I wouldn't update until I got at least 3 comment, and I only got 2. For the 2 people who left the comments, thank you.

I hope you liked the chapter and before I post the next chapter, I want at least 2 comments. That doesn't mean 1 comment, it means 2.

Thank you to the people who are reading this.