Status: 1-8-11--- I come on to this story story page and think, "Wow. This sucks." I think I'm going to either edit it or redo it (layout, chapters, summary, EVERYTHING). Thank you to everyone that is still subscibed.

Love Is Complicated

Secrets Come Out

David's POV

We arrived at my apartment and once we were in, Abbie (always the one to talk) said, "Come on Kat, I'll show you around." Then she pulled Kat away.

Once they were out of earshot James said, "You like Kat. Don't deny it." I was looking at him and I was confused. What was he talking about? I don't like Kat. Do I?

I mean, I just met her today. Plus I never like girls, girls like me not the other way around.

So I told him inn a rush, "I don't like Kat. I just met her today. I never like girls. If you referring to me kissing her in the hall today, then seriously, we only kissed because we wanted to make all the girls in the school mad. I don't like Kat. Why would you even think that?" Okay, I admit it, I was babbling. Sadly, James knows I only babble when I'm in denial. So, maybe I do like Kat. But, that didn't make sense. I have never liked girls. It's not like I thought they had cooties or anything like that, I just didn't like them.

James interrupted me from my trance by slapping me across the head. “What?!” I shouted.

“I was talking and you spaced. I told you I would slap you. Let's go make sure the girls aren't going through your underwear.”

We walked around and found Kat and Abbie on the floor of my bedroom laughing hysterically.

I just had to ask, “What so funny?”

They looked up, saw my face, then started laughing again. I said, “Hey. My face isn't that funny looking.

Kat was first to recover. While giggling she said, “Abbie and I were walking around, and when we came to this room, she said, 'and this is were all the action goes on, all the way from that pillow, to Matt's hand, yep, he gets a lot of action in here,' and we started cracking up. We fell on the bed and I said, 'This is probably the first time this bed has had girls on it,' we started laughing again, then fell on the floor. Then you guys walked in and that just made it even funnier!”

James started laughing with Abbie, and soon they were all laughing really hard. I just stood there and said stuff like, “Well excuse me for being a virgin,” and “Well, how many people have you slept with?”

Soon we were back in the living room and were deciding on what to do. Abbie asked, “Why not truth or dare? It'll be more interesting now that there's a girl that isn't like a sister to both the guys.”

Katie shouted, “That's not fair! I've known James like my whole life! I just haven't seen him since I was eight. That was only 7 years ago.” Then she thought over what she had said and her eyes went wide.

I thought over what she said after her eyes went wide and asked, “You're only 15?”

She let out a little, “Oops.” Then she looked at me and said, “Don't tell anyone. Don't underestimate me, I will beat you if you tell anyone.”

“Wait. You're taking senior classes. If you're 15, shouldn't you be a sophomore?” She looked at me with a expressionless face. Then it hit me. “You skipped 2 grades?!
SHIT!!!! You're like a genius! That's awesome!” Then I remembered something from earlier. “Dammit! I'm a child molester.” Then I realized my mistake.

I looked over at Kat and she didn't look confused at all. All she said was, “I knew it! You are 18!”

“James, Abbie, did one of you tell her?” They looked as confused as me as they shook their heads no. I looked back at Katie and asked, “How did you find out?”

“First off, you have your own apartment, that's the obvious one. Then, you always look like you don't belong, you're just to stupid to get out. So tell me, what grade did you fail?”

“You can ask that during truth or dare.”


I can't believe she found out my secret.

Abbie looked at James and he looked back at her. They were having one of their sibling things I guess. Abbie nodded at James and then said, "Well since all the secrets are coming out, James and I are twins!"

♠ ♠ ♠
Short? I know.

I just wanted it to be somewhat of a cliffhanger. I'll try to get the next chapter out soon, to make up for the short chapter. In the next chapter, I'll have the fun night!

Can you believe the story hasn't had a full day yet? Whatever.

I'm making a layout for this story, like I do with all my other stories, speaking of which I need to update them! Check them out if you like this story! They're just getting started and I need readers!

As of now-

14 comments, 43 readers, 11 subscribers, 1 star

You know, this is pretty sad. One of my other stories called Dear Mr.Emo, and it's only on chapter 5 and it has 28 comments, 115 readers, 47 subscribers, and 6 stars. This story is nowhere near that.