Status: Major writers-block :(

If Everyone Cared

Jimster And Captain V

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"What the hell am I doing? Lauren, what the fuck was that out there?"

"Brian, you're paranoic! Why did you start screaming at him?" yelled Lauren at her brother as she was pacing in his bedroom.

"You know why! I have told him this before and here we go again!" Brian hollered, surprisingly without a single affect on his sister.

"What the fuck is this about Brian?"

"You know what this is about. Matt was flirting with you." Brian stated causing Lauren to burst into laughing.

"Oh my God, Brian. You really drank too much. This is outrageous, man." she said, leaving her brother in the kitchen and went out to see Michelle.

"What's up, babes?" asked Michelle as she saw Lauren coming to her way. She had a frustated and irritated expression on her face and she looked quite troubled. "Are you okay, baby Lo?"

"Yeah, Brian is just acting like a dick." she said as Michelle hugged her by the shoulder.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Lauren went home not wanting to hear more of her brother's stupid suppositions. What he thought was simply just crazy. She and Matt were just talking and all Matt did was rub her back because she was cold. They were just talking. Okay, maybe they shared a cigarette but big whoop. That still doesn't equal with flirting.

Lauren stripped out of her clothes and went to take a shower. She never thought that her brother would be this overprotective of something that, before she left, has happened on a daily basis. Brian knew that Matt and Jimmy were Lauren's closest friends when she was in Huntington Beach, she didn't understand why he would just freak out.

She washed her make up down, took out her contacts and put her glasses on after brushing her naturally wavy hair. She dried herself with some towels and pulled on her shorts and deathbat tank top, which was originally a t-shirt, but Lauren decided to cut the sleeves off. She went to her bedroom and slipped into her furry bootie slippers.

She wasn't really tired, because afterall it was 3 AM there, which meant 6 AM in New York and by then she was already up, either getting ready for her yoga class or just for the gym to work out a bit. She wasn't a big fan of getting all sweaty, but she loved the results of the hard work - such as her six packs.

Lauren was startled when she heard the doorbell rang. She went to look out on the balcony and saw a very familiar car there. And an even more familiar person accompanied by another that she could easily recognize. Mostly after they called up to her, telling her that they knew she was awake and told her to 'get the fuck downstairs and open that damned door'.

She knew the voice, so she practically ran downstairs and tore door open only to be embraced by the same bear hug that she got earlier that night. "Uh, Jimster. Can't breathe."

Jimmy let her go, but eventually she was scooped up into an other pair of arms only by a shorter figure. She didn't recognize the guy first, but when she felt the person's body she started squeezing him harder. She heard him laugh as he rubbed her back.

"Captain V on board!" she said loudly as they pulled away and kissed his cheek.

"No love for me?" She heard a noise that reaminded her of a sad puppy and saw Jimmy pouting and extending his arms out while motioning for her to go hug him, with the clenching and unclenching of his fists. He seriously looked like some giant little baby that just wanted to be held.

She kissed his cheek too and than remembered something. "I don't want to seem rude, homies. But what the hell are you doing here at 3 AM?"

"You seemed sad and even though that you missed 5 birthdays and many many drunken nights, we're still here to chit chat about how much of a dickhead Brian can be." said Zacky, mocking a girly voice and put his hands on his hips, just adding a plus to his play.

"Yeah and we bought some booze." Jimmy said holding up a bottle of dear old Jack.

"We're awesome, aren't we?" they asked at the same time, like some freak set of twins.

"If you answer some of my questions, you'll be even better!"

Lauren showed them to the living room and they started taking shots as they were telling her about the new album, the upcoming tour and basically everything about the band and their personal lives. And then it was Lauren's turn, when Zacky asked to tell about her friends in the big apple.

"Well, basically in New York almost everybody knows everyone. And they have some sort of categories. Just like the cliques in high school, just this one is actually real." She explained and the two boys nodded. "Okay, so for example. I have this friend Adam, he's a downtown guy. Very normal, nothing posh, loves to party and date with girl and things like that. This same thing goes for the downtown girls with the difference of the gender. And then the posh crowd, the uptown girls and guys. Mostly rich mommy and daddy's little princesses and princes, thinking that they own to world and think of themselves higher. So I don't really know anyone from there except this one guy that I used to work with. It's very different from what I have though, but I love it there."

"And who's that hot red head that we saw with you on the pictures that you sent for Jimmy?" inquired Zacky and I threw my phone at him asking it he's looking for the girl on my wallpaper. "Yeah, that chick."

"That's Kati, we live together ever since she moved to the States."

"British?" asked Jimmy, mocking the accent.

"Deutsche." she said, smirking directly at Zacky who's mouth went agape.

"Single or taken?"

"Single currently, but she's a really good catch. Not just pretty, but smart and is a heavyweight drinker and a great kisser, as far as know." she said, muttering the last part so the boys wouldn't pick on it.

"You didn't!" Jimmy exclaimed pointing at Lauren, who just nodded, blushing madly. "Man, that's so hot!"

"Agreed and damn." Zacky commented leaning back on the couch.

"Now, my life story is too long so we arrived to the let's ask from Jim Jam and Zacky Zack." she said and clapped her hands together, faking a girly excitment as the guys groaned. "What was that yelling about? And why did Brian mean by saying, 'i have told this to him before'?"

Both Jimmy's and Zacky's eyes widened, looking seriously shocked at the younger Haner.

"You don't know what he meant?" Zacky questioned, like what Brian was talking about would have been just as normal as breathing.

"Oh my, Baker. You can be such a dumbass sometimes. Why would I ask if I didn't know?" Lauren slapped her forehead and taking the bottle of Jack Daniels away from Zacky, earning a groan of protest from him. "Now, what was that all about?"

"Oh, well your brother had The Talk with Matt, again."

"As in the stay the hell away from my sister talk, for the second time since they've met."
♠ ♠ ♠
Mibba hated me for a little while and I lost the original chapter which was long and i worked on it for almost six hours :( anyways, very very very much love for them:

Pixelated Dreamscape


Up Next --> Lauren and Matt spend some time together and do many many productive things...