Status: Active, but slow

Chase This Light

Take Over

After calling Hotch to relay the story to both him and Morgan, it was decided that Reid would deal directly with Jasey.

"It's better this way", Hotch explained over the speaker phone as Morgan drove back to the hotel, "She seems like an important person to get a lead. If she already sees you as a trusted person-".

"I understand Hotch", Reid sighed. He wrapped up the conversation with Hotch as Morgan pulled into the parking garage. He meant to leave the car, but Morgan stopped him.

"I thought you had to call Jasey".

"I know Morgan. I was going to do it upstairs. In my room". Morgan raised his eyebrows.

"Do you need to be alone when you do this?" Morgan asked with a smirk, "Do you expect to leave a hot and steamy romantic message-"

"Look", Spencer cut him off, blushing. He climbed back into the car. "I'll do it here. Okay?" Morgan just smiled as Reid dialed the number, putting his phone on speaker and plopping it onto the middle counsel.

"Already have her number memorized?" Morgan asked with a chuckle. Before Reid could argue, the line transferred to voice mail.

"Hey, you've reached Jasey" her calm voice started, but men voices soon shouted over her. "Alex can be reached here!" "Billy's phone might be off!" Morgan caught Spencer's eye as Jasey's voice took over again. "If my phone is off, I'm in a show. Leave me a message if you want to meet up. I'll call you back- later than late".

A beep throughout the car, shocking Spencer a little. "Um- yes. This is Dr. Spencer Reid, from the FBI. I'm with the BAU- Behavioral Analysis Unit. We met each other earlier tonight, with the crazy mother? I have a couple of questions for you, about the murders. If you could just call me back so I can see yo- So we can meet up tomorrow, that'll be great. Thank you". He shut the phone quickly, jumping out of the car before Morgan could finish laughing.


The next morning, Reid woke up to the red message light on his phone.

"Hey Spencer- it's Jasey. It's about 12:20 in the morning now, and I'm just calling to set up a time with you. I'll be happy to help you in any way possible. I'm going to be in the office tomorrow, the address is on my card Shelby gave you. Meet me there about 11-11:30? Thanks again, for your help last night. Goodnight."

By the time 11:00 came around, Spencer had changed his sweater three times.

"Are you actually nervous?" Morgan asked. He turned the SUV down the hill to Jasey's office complex.

"Of course not", Spencer said just a little to quickly. He looked up from straightening his sweater once last time, just in time to yell, "Morgan- dog!"

Morgan spun the wheel completely, successfully avoiding the dog. When he tried to straighten the car, the back end swerved, causing him to slam into a the bed of a truck.

"Shit!" Morgan slammed his palms against the wheel. Reid scanned the back of the car, and notice that neither car were damaged too bad.

"Not too much damage." He told Morgan. They both stepped out of the car and checked the plates.

"Look kid" Morgan's voice was stressed. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. "I'll deal with whatever tough guy owns the truck. Go start with Jasey- this will take a while". Reid opened his mouth to argue, but the look of Morgan's face made him reconsidered. He grabbed his bag out of the car, and quickly ran into the building.

"Office 23", he remembered, walking up to the counter. The reception area of the management label was bright, both in color and lighting. On the wall behind the desk, there was a large photo of the company's employees. When he was close enough, Spencer realized that the photo was made up of a whole bunch of other photos. Before he could search for Jasey in all of them, a women stepped into his view.

"How may I help you?" she asked, turning down the music that played in the background. She pointed to a stack of CDs on the counter, "Take one- please. I'm suppose to hand out all the misprints to anyone who walks in the door."

Reid took one from the top, dropping it into his bag. "Um yes. I'm looking for Jasey Sum-"

"Jasey? You're the FBI agent from the show last night!". The girl threw her arms up, standing up quickly. "Jeremy told me about how you kicked major butt last night!" Spencer blushed, readjusting his watch.

"I have a meeting with Jasey for this afternoon..."

"Oh, totally. She asked me to walk you through the pit. It's hidden in the back", the young girl walked around the counter and motioned for Spencer to follow her through a set of double doors. "It's kind of overwhelming the first time."

The cut down a hallway, and through to a set of stairs. Spencer pouted a little- he was a genius. At least, that how others judged him. Why does he need someone with the words 'Intern' printed across the back of her shirt, to help him find his way? He shook his head quickly, knowing that the butt of his resentful feelings towards the girl came from his embarrassment that Jasey thought he was ignorant.

'I'm boring but overcompensate with headlines and flash, flash, flash photography.' The speakers pumped music throughout the pit, from speakers mounted all over the large space. Spencer stood on the stairs for a moment, just to take everything in. The desks were set up similar to those at Quantico, but there was never as much excitement. Musicians sat on desk, playing the office workers all different kinds of music. Some workers were on the phone, yelling and waving their arms. Others threw balls across the spaced hallways, pitching each other's ideas. Around the set of 15 or 20 desks, there were cubicle-like walls. The intern set off towards the sidewall, waving Spencer on. 'Don't pretend you'll forget about me!"

"I'm Abby by the way!" she offered him her hand, and Spencer shook it, dodging one of the men running down the hallway with, surprisingly, a water gun. "Sorry for all the excitement. The guys are starting up Warped Tour in a couple of weeks, so the bands all have to come in and sign the final papers".

"Uh", he stuttered, driving away from the guys pushing each other on wheelbarrow. "That's understandable. If Miss Summers is busy-"

"Dr. Reid." Abby stopped before an office door covered in photos. "Look, I don't mean to offend you or anything, but really. Call Jasey Miss Summers, and it'll get you no where. Jasey is beyond chill about things like names and recognition, and I think it'll be better if you just call her Jasey, and let her call you..."

"Spencer". He finished, his attention captured by the photos. Abby smiled, and opened the doors to the office. She slid into the office, shutting the door behind her. Spencer looked across the door, memorizing the faces of Jasey and her friends. Some were taken behind the stage, Jasey in full gear- headset and all. Others were at birthday parties, bars, and even a couple of her and some guys just walking down the street. By the time Abby opened the door and waved him in, Spencer was considering every man on the wall as Jasey's significant other.

"She's on the phone with the club manager, but she's waving you in if you don't mind."

"Thank you". She nodded, stepping around the cluster of guys trying to play leapfrog in the hallway. He watched her walk away for a moment, before opening the door a little bit. He caught the last bit of the song playing in the background: 'We do it in the dark, with smiles on our faces..' Jasey had her feet on the window, her back to him. He walked in, trying to make a nosy that would tell her he was there. "Miss- Jasey?"

"Listen, bottom line here Carl- I cleaned the backroom myself." She turned around her chair. Reid waved at her awkwardly, and Jasey smiled wide. She pointed him to the chair, holding up a finger to symbolize her wrapping up her phone call.

Reid smiled, taking the chance to look around the room. He's got the same feeling he usually only got when reading about a new serial killer. Jasey's world seemed so different to his- she had excitement surrounding her. Excitement and interest, even just on her office walls.

On the left of Jasey's desk, there was a giant cork board that covered up most of the wall. Pinned to it was even more pictures, tour passes, and even a couple of papers with 'Important' written across the top in red pen. Opposite of the cork board was a white board wall. Jasey organized this more- with tour dates written on a section, a calendar for the month drawn and numbers of things like restaurants and clubs written in another. The corner closet to Reid had been sectioned off for notes for Jasey. Things like 'Need more orange soda!', 'Kevin called- he needs the bus license', 'BOOK ALBUM SHOW!', were all in different colors.

'Organized chaos' Spencer thought with a chuckle. Behind Jasey was a wall of nothing but windows, opening up to a view of Chicago behind her. Spencer tried to be polite, and look out toward the view, but his eyes kept wandering back to Jasey.

"Carl! You do realize we're been arguing about puke for a totally of 15 minutes!" Spencer visibly shuttered at the thought, causing Jasey to laugh. "Look. Enough. It was probably Billy. He was drunk. Ask him. But I'm hanging up now. Bye Carl......". She pressed a button on her cell phone, throwing the blue tooth off her ear. She looked up at Spencer with an apologize smile. "Sorry hun- playing at local clubs, their more likely to call and complain."

Spencer smiled back at her, surprised at how much he felt at ease. "That's okay. I just have some files to run past you.... Abby? She said your office is packed with bands today though, so I can see if there's a better time..?"

"Oh no no" Jasey shook her head, getting up to grab a water. "Did you want anything?" Spencer shook his head. She continued, sitting on the front of her desk, next to Spencer's chair. "I want to help you guys out to the best I can, and as soon as possible."

"Oh, thank you. I just want to go over some of the encounters you've had with kids that resulted in them being removed from the club over the last couple of months."

"Okay", she reached down, pulling her leg up to cross them. Reid noticed that she was wearing a new tank top and hoodie, along with some simple black pants. And no shoes? "Oh yea", she laughed, catching him. "I do wear shoes- sometimes even proper clothes!- to work. I just usually end up dropping them at the front door when I'm in my office though. Plus, it's not like the officials I met with are part of the FBI or anything...."

Reid laughed, reaching under him to grab the files. "Just tell me if anyone sticks out, or has a different story than what's the police wrote up." Jasey grabbed the stack from him, starting at the first of 8 files.

"This guys isn't him. He was weak and timid. He got kicked out because his mom wanted him gone, but they couldn't find him. We had to call the cops more for the mom than anything else". She brushed a hair out of her face, and held the file out to Spencer. He watched her as she went through the next 3 or 4, distracted by the faces she made, laughing at the stories she told him.

When she got to the second to last file though, her smiled dropped. Spencer sat up a little to see which one she had gotten to. "Was he practically difficult?"

Jasey nodded. "Andrew.. Facet? I remember him because of the girl. She reported him to Marty- she thought he was a guard. Andrew had apparently gotten a little more than frisky in the pit. He asked her if she was willing to give up her virtue for the band."

Spencer reached down and pulled out his phone. He dialed Garcia's number, leaving the phone on speaker. "Hello my nice little twig of the Forbidden Tree of Nerd. How may I please you?"

Jasey snickered in the file she held and Spencer turned bright red, trying to turn the phone off speaker. "I need you to run a background check of Andrew Facet."

"But of course." Reid heard her typing on the keyboard when there was a knock on her office door. Jasey stood to open it, and Spencer turned to see her and Morgan make introductions.

"Spencer is calling...." Jasey looked towards him, but Morgan just laughed.


"Yea. I pulled out Andrew Facet for him to check out."

"This is weird", Garcia said with a slight whine. Morgan took the seat next to Spencer as he turned the phone back to speaker. "He's got a rap sheet, colored with all different forms of public disturbances and assaults, but all of his bills are forwarded to a P.O Box for his dad's home. But.. his dad is registered to full time assistant living."

"Meaning that Facet isn't staying with him." Morgan finished, running his hand down his bald head. "They wouldn't be paying for a nurse to live with them if he was going to be there at night."

"So where is Facet actually staying?" Reid asked the obvious.

"I need something else to narrow him down. I've got tons of different contest here...."

"Try", Jasey began, but stopped. She didn't want to interrupt their conversation, but Morgan waved her on. "There was one we held a little while back. A 'meet-and-greet', only this time Alex was going to head to the house of the winner and pick them up. He would have had to submit an actual address- we didn't call ahead."

Garcia typed some more on the keyboard, ignoring the third voice. "There we go hot stuff. I've got an address on the other side of time. Do you want to me to send it to your GPS?"

"Send it to Hotch first. This type of Unsub will need more preparation than just us knocking on the door." Morgan finished. They thanked Garcia, and by the time they hung up, there was another knock on the door.

"Jaseycakes. I've got your lunch." Jasey went to get off the desk, but Morgan beat her to open the door. On the other side, Reid recognized the man from both the photos on the wall and the concert the night before.

"Hey Alex." Jasey cleared a space off her desk and he plopped the brown paper bag onto the desk. "Thank ya love."

Spencer blushed, quickly grabbing all the files. He stood up, watching the two of them for a moment. Alex started to unload boxes of Chinese food, waving a couple under Jasey's nose and flirting.

"By the way!" Jasey waved her arms before Reid could say anything about he and Morgan having to leave. "Alex, this is Dr. Reid and Agent Morgan. They're from the FBI, assigned to the case."

"Oh dudes!" Alex called, reaching out to them. He offered them both his hand. "I'm totally psyched to get the FBI here- I hate having to go on stage when I know that son of a bitch is out there, scooping the crowd. Thanks!"

Morgan shook his hand with a wide grin, Reid with less excitement. "We should get going Morgan... We need to hunt down Hotch."

"Are you sure? You can't stay for some lunch?" Alex waved his hand over the food. "I know it sure seems like Jasey could shovel this all down, but I think we should help her." Morgan laughed as Jasey hit him.

"No, we should really get going guys. Thanks for all your help though." He headed towards the door and Reid followed silently. Before he could make it out though, Jasey stopped him at the door.

"Spencer!" She grabbed his arm, "Look. Um. There's a show tonight. The last local one- well you probably know that." She blushed. "Anyway. If you want to go, I'm not on cleanup afterward. I can show you around the city a little bit. Celebrate your win maybe?"

"Yea" Spencer said, just a little too quickly. "Uh, sure. That'd be great." Jasey pulled a pen out of her pocket.

"It's here", she wrote the address on the back of his hand. "If you tell them your name is... Albert Einstein, they should let you in." Reid smiled.


"Okay." Jasey said with a smile. "I'll see you then."

Spencer nodded. He turned to walk away from her, stopping down to turn and see her shut the door. He chased after Morgan, still smiling
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!
I just have a couple things for you:
- Thank you Abby for editing!!
- My song choice for the first is obvious, a girl meets a guy at a rock show. This one, 'Take Over, The Breaks Over' by Fall Out Boy, I thought a little harder about it. I put only the certain lyrics I thought fit, so it might mean different than the song as a whole:
-I'm boring but overcompensate with headlines and flash, flash, flash photography- Jasey's this strange, different and interesting thing to Spencer. I mean, he wouldn't have been exposed to something like this in his world, so he thinks she's so different. She is, to him, but to others around her, she's just kind of Jasey. There'll be a lot of Jasey being hyped up to be more than Spence deserves.
-Don't pretend you'll forget about me!- Yea, that one's kind of obvious.
-We do it in the dark, with smiles on our faces.- Spence just looked at a door filled with Jasey and all this different men. To him, he feels kind of odd. The guys have sort of sneaked their way into Jasey's lives in a way Spence can't really do. It's mirrored in the way Alex comes in with food.

Thanks guys! Sorry if it's a lot :( I would LOVE to hear what you guys think!!