Mad World

You've gone way passed absolution...

Pitch black. My eye sight searched desperately for a light. Something to scare away the demons crawling up my walls and ceiling. I can only see their eyes. Their scarlet, glowing eyes staring hungrily at me. I can hear their growling whispers.

I clutched the blanket closer to myself as my breathing quickened. The room was cold as if it were winter outside. I can see my breath infront of me. My toes curled as I move to a fetal position. I can see one of them looking right at me. It made some kind of trill noise. I screamed as I felt sharped nails digging into my skin. It held tightly to my ankle as I kept struggling.

My eyes were wide open as the sun lit up my whole room. I jumped right out of the covers and ran out of the hellhole not looking back. My breathing slowed down as I touched my ankle. It looked untouched like if nothing happened. I bit my lip and buried my head in my hands to calm myself down.


I find myself amused at the computer screen. Business class was the only class that the teacher almost never had to teach a lesson since all we do is copy flyers onto Microsoft Word. I never had a problem with that. It took my mind off of everything and I get to amuse myself in paint.

Just then, the bell rang and made everyone scramble off to their next class. I hated school. Especially high school. The most confusing and boring years of my life. Everyday was like a routine. You get up, go on the bus, run through your first two classes, go to lunch, and have the last two classes. I didn't have a lot of friends. Not that I'm anitsocial. I was just scared of the past events that will surface again...

"Tony called me the other day." Sarah muttered as we walked towards the icecream stand that was just across the street to our school. "He told me that you were upset and that you started yelling at him. He's very confused and I am too."

"Don't worry about it." I said through clenched teeth. Sarah doesn't know how to keep her nose out of people's business.

"But we're really worried! Please tell me what's wrong!" I grabbed her upper arm, "I said, 'don't worry about it."

She winced as she looked at my hand around her arm. I let go as I felt myself relaxed but my mind was confused. I held my head and I walked away from her.

I could never tell them what happened. Not even anyone. I sighed heavily as I covered my eyes. I still see the haunting image...I never meant to lead a poor soul to their death.

"Hey..." I looked up to the owner of the voice. My personal saint stood there in all his glory. His eyes were looking right through me but he dare not to question my motives. A small smile grew on his lips as he spoke, "I'm hungry." and then lunch period started.

We sat in silence in our usual table. I kept staring at the girl sitting two tables away as my friend continued to munch in comfortable silence. My eyes were still on that girl. She thought she had the whole world onto the palm of her hand. Kind of reminded me of someone close to me. It disgusted me. I kept watch as she continued to laugh with her posse. I used to be there. A smirk was formed on my lips as I imagined her frightened eyes. My hands would be grasped around her neck. Making her trying to breath life back in.

I felt someone holding my hand as I looked over to my friend, "Something wrong?" he asked. I gasped and shook my head, "Don't worry about it." I whispered as his hand brushed off my skin.

I laid my head down as I breathed in slowly. I can hear my emotion whispering to me. It was starting again. Just like the nights that I go through, they're here. I see them. My hearing starts to blur. Everyone around me, their mouths moving, I couldn't hear any of them but my own heart beat. I was still staring at that girl she looked the same as the other poor soul. Their growling whispers were among me. She looked over at me and glared. She whispered something over to someone else as they both looked at me. I closed my eyes and turned around. I shushed them down. I don't want this. Don't start again.

"If you don't mind me asking, cause I see it written all over your face," he started as he held my hand again, "Please tell me what's troubling you." I can hear Tony behind his tone but his was more powerful and more sincere. I couldn't tell him anything otherwise he'll leave me and never talk to me.

"I can't tell you." I whispered as I could hear footsteps coming from behind.

"Why not?" he questioned furthur.

"I don't want you-" then I felt someone grabbed my shirt and pulled me right off my seat. Everything happened in slow motion. I landed on my back and gazed upon the person infront of me.

"You think you're pretty funny, aren't you, freak." she snarled at me, "Why do you keep giving me ugly faces, huh?"

Stop it. Just drop it.

"Answer me, damn it!" she shouted as she kicked me.

My breathing quickened as I hear them chuckling. Influencing me to move foward. The sound of banging tables was heard as cheers from the demons kept on going. I was panicking and my sanity was abadoning me. Another kick to the side. Her image was replaced by a haunting ghost.

"I killed you." I muttered as I stared at her in disbelief, "Why are you still alive?!" she screamed at me. The same scream I heard when she was being tortured. My fist went in and punched the hell out of her jaw, "Shut up!!" I shouted as the force made her spun around and went on her knees. Blood was splattered across my knuckles and unto the floor as I kicked the back of her head as her body plummeted to the ground.

It was silent. The whole room was silent. I didn't hear any evil chuckles nor whispers. All there is were eyes. Disbelief eyes gazing at the scene before them. I tried to move as I wasn't finished. The girl was still screeching! I wanted to rip the vocal chords out of her so she could stop haunting me!

In reality, she was knocked out cold, what the hell was going on? I can still hear her! My head is far from exhaustion but my body was in a rage. I couldn't move my arms or my body. I was held back. My personal saint had his arms around me. Both grabing my wrists as my back was against his chest.

My breathing was shaky as I had tears in my eyes. I was confused, what the hell was going on?

I was then in a white room sitting down infront of the door to the nurse's office. I stared at him and then my bandaged up hands.

"What did I do?" I questioned him, "What have I done?!"

He looked at me in concern and then back at the nurse's door, "You knocked her out." he whispered avoiding eye contact.

I gasped as my head leaned against the wall. He didn't look up one bit. I closed my eyes and breathed in once again...


I find myself staring at the ceiling with lights passing by. I was being rolled into a hospital. I breathed the gas mask in as the blurry voices kept on. I felt at peace even though I was restrained. My overworked, confused brain just shut down. I felt numb. I felt silenced. I felt tamed.

I had no idea where I was at. I didn't know where they were taking me. What I do know is...
I led another soul to their death.

And my personal saint has abadoned me...

I was alone again.

Dear God, what have I become?!
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Ah...finally wrote something.
a certain movie sort of inspired this.
I wanna see it when it comes out xD