Trust Me, There's No Need to Fear

One of One

It was just another day. Nothing special was planned. Well, for me it was nothing special. I've been doing this for a long time now. The same game, over and over again.

Actually, it was almost funny, how stupid young girls can be. They follow you, they trust you. The only thing you have to do, is tell them you love them and that they are safe with you.

These girls will believe everything you tell them. No matter what, they won't be afraid. I had done this pretty often before. My last couple of girlfriends ended up like this.

I never loved any of them, except for one. It was her own decision to end like she ended. I never planned on doing her any harm, she practically asked for it. I was the best boyfriend imaginable. I loved her, cared for her. I always watched out for her, until she came home, confessing that she cheated on me.

That night, everything started. The guy I am now, was born then. I always liked horror movies and blood, I'd never been the nice guy, everyone thought I was. In fact they didn’t know anything about me. No one knew about the millions of knives I had collected over the years, or what I used them for.

Before my girlfriend cheated on me, I hadn't used these knives. I just collected them, because I thought they looked nice, and because I thought I needed to collect something. It was just an obsession.

This obsession, however, didn’t turn out well for my ex girlfriend. She almost begged for me to use one of my perfectly polished knives on her. It was like she was crying for me to kill her.

I don’t know what came over me, just the thought of being betrayed, though I had never done anything wrong, was too much for me. I couldn’t let her go, without getting revenge.

The girl didn’t know what I was capable of, she had never seen me like this before. Never had I carried a knife this way, never had I looked at her with this hatred in my eyes. Just the way my eyes glistened in the dim light of my lounge room, made the fear crawl its way through her body.

Almost immediately the emotion in her eyes changed from confused and sorry to scared. She was scared of me, that was what I wanted after all. To make her feel the worst fear in her whole life. It would've been enough for me, but the girl didn’t run for her life. She didn’t know I wanted her to be afraid. If she only showed me how afraid she was, I wouldn't have gone through with it. I would've let her alive.

The girl however decided to just stay where she was. She tried to look confident, to show strength.

I felt disgusted with her. How dared she cheating on me, then come crawling back to me like this?

My body acted on its own, when she didn’t move. Anything my mind said didn’t change that my legs were carrying me towards her. The knife in my right hand, held high.
The girl finally got what was going on and ran, but it was too late. I had made my decision. If she only had this idea some minutes earlier, she could've lived. She could've stayed, though I wouldn't have taken her back, she wouldn’t have been dead.

After all, however, it was her choice. She acted that way, so I followed her. It didn’t take me long to be right behind her. My legs were much longer than hers.

With one final breath, I pushed the knife right into her spine, before she even had the chance to notice me behind her. Not only once did I use this knife on her. I made sure that every living inch of her was dead.

I wasn’t sure how to feel when I looked at her dead body. What surprised me most, was that I didn’t feel guilty at all. I felt like I had done the right thing. She didn’t deserve to live anymore. She abused my loyalty.

Dragging her body away wasn’t easy. I had to find a place to put her, a place no one would find her. Moreover I had to get everything clean. I couldn’t be found.

My ex girlfriend wasn’t the last girl I did this to. I felt relieved every time I did this. I didn’t care, who the girl was, or if it even was a girl. I used a guy once, curious to try something new. Everything worked as always, though I wasn’t gay.

The process was always the same, as it would be this time. I had a victim in my eye. Either a young girl or a guy, mostly people I found cute or just sexy. They could give me what I wanted, before I got them out of the way, to find someone else. There was only one thing I wanted, and I exactly knew how I would get it by now. I just had to tell them, how much I loved them and that they were safe. They'd pleasure me after a week, if it even took that long. Then I would polish my knives, innocently. They wouldn’t notice what I was about to do, until I used the knife right on them.
Their last sound would be a scream, a scream that was all too familiar, the scream that made everything worth it. If they wouldn’t scream like they all did, I would have found another way to kill them, I believe.

This time, my victim was a young girl. She had long, blonde hair and was sexy as hell, in my opinion. The way she looked innocent, yet so experienced, made me stare at her every time I saw her in that café. I'd never talked to her before, I was just watching her, getting the same coffee every morning. She didn’t look older than nineteen, but I honestly didn’t care about her age. I never did. She would give me what I wanted, I was sure.

Today, I planned on talking to her. I couldn’t wait any longer. The last time I had someone was more than two weeks ago. I couldn’t wait that long.

"Hey, can I sit with you?", I asked innocently. The girl had never seen me before, I knew it, she had never looked my way.

"Uhm, of course, if you want to.", she smiled politely.

I rambled around a lot, telling sweet compliments, making her blush each time. In the end, I asked her out. She didn’t know me, she didn’t know who I was, nor what I was about to do to her. She was unsuspecting.

"You may be full of fear, but you’ll be safe here. When you finally trust me. Finally believe in me."

Those were the words I said to her, the first time she entered my house. She was kind of scared to come to my place, I could see that in her eyes, but she also knew she could trust me. Well, she believed she could trust me. I had told her so many times.

I will let you down, I’ll let you down, when you finally trust me, finally believe in me.

The girl, whose name, I learned, was Anna, did trust me from the beginning. She was brave, I could tell. Anna never showed fear, she went out with me only days after we met. I made her come to my house, not too long after.
Anna even gave me what I wanted that night. She was the first one, who did it so quickly. The girl pleasured me all the way, until we both fell asleep on top of the covers.

I got up again some hours later, Anna still passed out on my bed, naked. That made everything so much easier. I wouldn’t have to chase her. She was easy to get out of the way.
Anna didn’t need punishment in my opinion. She did exactly as I had wanted, for that she wouldn’t have to go through all the pain. Being asleep would ease the pain. I was sure she would scream, though. She wouldn’t sleep through it, when the cold metal of the knife touched her skin, she would wake up.

And she did exactly as I said. By the time I had gotten my freshly polished knife, she was still asleep. I slowly put down my hand, the knife held strongly, I lightly brushed it along her skin, directly over her heart. I was about to stab her in the heart this time. Not like all the other times I slit girls' throats or stabbed guys' backs. I wanted to try something different.

Anna's eyes flickered open as the blade touched her skin, just for a millisecond. When she noticed, what was going on she fully opened her eyes. They were full of fear, I knew she would give me the scream, I so longed for.

Only seconds later, I brought the knife to her chest again. The girl was still lying there, not moving, eyes closed again. She didn’t want to see, what I was about to do. I couldn't blame her.

Finally, I took the knife and stabbed it right into the middle of her heart. I had learned where all the organs were, in the past years, just to make sure, I killed them the right way.

The way the blood splattered out of the wound, tainting everything around her in the warm, red liquid was the most enjoyable sight in the whole world. Nothing made my mind go wilder, nothing was better than this.

Anna's scream of death was not comparable to any other scream I had heard before. It was music for my ears.

I knew what my purpose was. The only thing I longed for, my whole life. I did it right, over the past couple of years, I always did right. It was what I enjoyed, what motivated me. The blood made me want more, every time I saw it, the screams, I could have listened to them all the time, just like other people, normal people, would listen to music. It was music for me, my own sick kind of music.