Status: When I have something to say, I'll add it

Dear Diary, That's Life

January 30th 2010

Life is never a guarantee. It’s never stated that people are always going to do the right thing; that people aren’t going to scam you or screw you over. Sometimes life is just that though: a screw over. It doesn’t matter that you try to paint yourself into a world that fits, you’ll never be you until you stop painting and start living in the life you have.

I got into the square circle the other day and it is an indescribable feeling! I had an interview with the guy and then got in the ring and started with bumps, found those to be simple, then we moved to front flips which I did over top of another guy. Those were amazing, I got to run the ropes and learn why the wrestlers do it the way they do. The guy said if I stick with it I’ll be great at it.

Then I started getting the “Feeling” you know where you get creped out and don’t think something is all it seems? that feeling. He contacted me via myspace and just seemed like he was hitting on me. I don’t like that, I mean he’s almost thirty for one and then he’s supposed to be my trainer! How the hell am I supposed to go and focus when I feel like he’s going to make a move on me?

So I went and got my tattoo out line done last night, it was a tough 2 ½ hours! It looks great though, two weeks until shading and two more after until color then it’ll be done and hot! I love it even more because it was my hand drawn art work and he didn’t change anything when he tattooed it. So I can’t wrestle for a while any way and this guy is just pushing it, but now I remember what I was starting this paragraph for! I wanted to say, I talked to pat, my tattoo man and he has a friend that just received a WWE tryout and I contacted him via facebook. He lived in Ohio for a long time and knows of schools and such that can get me to the top. I haven’t got a message back yet but I’m waiting and I know I’ll find the perfect school!

My stories are lacking so I need to update soon but I have a research proposal due tonight by 12:00 and I have to get it turned in. It’s 2 pages and mines not quite there yet so I’ll be BS’ing it so it’s longer.

I need to go ride but my leg is sore from the other night at wrestling and I just can’t face the cold. Hopefully spring will come soon so I can show hunter jumpers. Need to work with the pony to but I don’t have time with hell aka college. Art next quarter (March) so it’ll be a better quarter and I’m taking acting and weight lifting plus a poetry/fiction creative writing class!

I usually put a poem here for a bit of inspiration, so here goes.

Paint the world
In blues
In greens
In purples
And pinks

Whatever you do
Demolish the blacks and the whites,
And the grays in between
Don’t live in others standards

Live for you
Live for your fans
Live for the moment,
When you’re the star

Stand in your rainbow of colors on top of the world!
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, haven't had a lot to say lately!
