Status: Complete

Without Me, You're Nothing

My Brother

I shook my head grinning as I texted the group. My brother and his girlfriend are always breaking up. Well she's always breaking up with him. Christine always comments on Devin's laziness as if no one else can see it. But she exaggerates too much. I know my brother is lazy, but he get his work done.

They have been having an on and off relationship for the last four months. I just can't seem to understand why. Devin knows how to treat his girlfriend and has never done anything of serious regret when it comes to Christine. He loves her, he's stated it repeatedly.

Christine has been my best friends since September, and we've been friends for about seven months. I introduced her to my brother shortly after the first cycle of school and they really seemed to have hit it off. But she's very controlive. She expects nothing but the best and has very high standards. My brother Devin however has average standards and can be the procrastinator type.Christine doesn't seem to understand that she can't control everything. My brother will never change.

When Christine transferred to our school this Junior year she was a nobody. I met her in homeroom and me being the kind hearted person that I am offered her my acquaintance. Still as the weeks dragged on she made no other friends. I thought that if she met my brother Devin she might be able to branch out to people more.

My brother Devin is the most popular guy in school. He knows everyone in the Freshman class all the way through the Senior class. He has a lot of friends and connections around school. So I introduced them both hoping that some of Devin's popularity might rub off on her. But that night Devin and I got home he explained to me that Christine wasn't going to be anything more then she already was when it came to the social cliques of our school.

Christine, being Devin's girlfriend got along with his friends fine. But I don't think she knows that they are exactly that. His friends. Everyone she knows besides me are all his friends. They talk to her and everything, but they don't call her a friend. They call her Devin's girlfriend. And soon enough she'll learn about this the hard way.

"Miranda!" I heard Devin shout from the kitchen. I looked over my shoulder and waved.

"I'm in here." He nodded and set down his book bag then joined me in the living room.

"Did you let everyone know?" I nodded shifting forward in my seat. He smiled deviously and kicked off his shoes. "I can't wait for school tomorrow." I giggled shaking my head. He's such an ass hole. If you ask me my brother has more of an ego then anyone else on this planet. It's a shame how that can never back fire in his face. He's just too good of a person.

"So. When do you think she'll come to her senses?" Devin shrugged his shoulders leaning back on the recliner.

"Maybe a month. But then again she is quiet stubborn. So maybe two." I nodded placing my phone on the coffee table.

"So what exactly happened this time? I thought you two already had your monthly argument." Devin sighed shaking his head.

"We were talking about school and grades. Then she questioned why I received a C on my history report and I simply explained how I just didn't wanna write it. Then she went on and on about how I don't apply myself and how I'm a good for nothing slacker. I think I'm doing pretty well in life. Don't you?" I nodded tying my hair in a pony tail.

"Of course. Your far from being a failure. Just not quiet close to being a successor."

"And I'm OK with that." I grinned shrugging my shoulders and crossing my arms over my chest.

"And that's absolutely fine. There's no need to set your expectations so high that you can't achieve them. Just stick to the core basis. Be yourself. High expectations come with great responsibility, time, and preparation. Set higher goals when you've achieved your smaller ones." Devin nodded in agreement then turned on the TV.
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